included in each package
Reference: The API Reference documents provide
descriptions of the Intel Java* Media Framework,
Intel Animation for Java, and Intel Spatial Audio
for Java package APIs. You can browse the classes
and interfaces available to include in your
Users Guide: The
User's Guide provides in-depth explanations of
how to create media-enabled Java programs, for
those who want to explore the details of Java
media and animation programming.
Comprehensive Java developer tutorials are also
included. These guide developers who want to go
even further into the details of Java media
through a set of progressive lessons. Early
lessons cover the basics of Java media
programming; later lessons cover advanced topics.
All tutorial lessons require that you install the
appropriate package so that all applets function
Release Notes:
Provided for developer convenience, the latest
information for the current version of each
Technical FAQ:
Technical FAQs have been compiled to assist when
problems are encountered.
Known Problems:
List of known problems for each release of the
current package can be found from the Support Information page.
General FAQ: A
General FAQ has been compiled to answer
high-level program questions.
Click a link in the table
below to access a specific online document.
Document/Package |
Intel Java
Media Framework |
Animation for Java |
Intel Spatial
Audio for Java |
API Reference |
Users Guide |
Tutorial |
Release Notes |
Technical FAQ |
General FAQ |
Note: All documentation
referenced above is available online from this page, and
is also included as part of each package's SDK
installation (except for the General FAQ and Known
Problems). Remember the latest version of the Technical
FAQs are accessible online.
This page was last updated on Mar
25th, 1997.
* Legal Stuff © 1997 Intel Corporation