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Intel Architecture-Application Notes

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186 Assemblers/Compilers Feature Table
AB-31 The 80C186XL/80C188XL Integrated Refresh Control Unit
AB-35 DRAM Refresh/Control with the 80186/80188
AB-36 80186/80188 DMA Latency
AB-37 80186/80188 EFI Drive and Oscillator Operation
AB-66 Resolving Bus Contention When Interfacing the Intel386(TM) EX Embedded Processor with Intel Flash
Add-in Flash Memory Card for an 80C186EA Application
AP-258 High Speed Numerics with the 80186/80188 and 8087
AP-286 80186/188 Interface to Intel Microcontrollers
AP-442 33 MHz 386 System Design Considerations
AP-468 Quick Upgrade from the 80C186 to the 80C186EA
AP-469--Cache and Memory Design Considerations for the IntelDX2(TM) Microprocessor
AP-477 Low Voltage Embedded Design
AP-484 Interfacing a Floppy Disk Drive to an 80C186EX Family Processor
AP-499 Introducing Intel's Family of Embedded Intel386(TM) Microprocessors
AP-502 Quick Upgrade from the 80C186XL to the 80C186EA
AP-505--Picking Up the Pace: Designing the IntelDX4(TM) Processor into Intel486(TM) Processor-Based Des
AP-513--Intel386(TM) EX CPU POS Terminal Reference Design
AP-514 Embedded Intel386 TM EX Processor Hamilton Hallmark Handheld Terminal (H4T) Reference Design
AP-605 Implementing a Resident Flash Disk with an Intel386(TM) EX Embedded Processor
AP-635 Interfacing the Intel386(TM) EX Embedded Processor to Intel Boot Block Flash
AP-640 Interfacing the 80186EB/EC Embedded Processor to Intel Boot Block Flash
AP-720 Programming Flash Memory through the Intel386(TM) EX Embedded Microprocessor JTAG Port
AP-730 Interfacing the 82C59A to Intel 186 Family Processors
AP-731 Understanding the Interrupt Control Unit of the 80C186EC/80C188EC Processor
AP-735 Building a PC-Compatible Embedded System Using the Intel386(TM) EX Processor and the RadiSys(R) R380EX Embedded System Controller
EXPLR1 Embedded PC Evaluation Platform Application Note
High-Performance Serial Transfers Using the Intel386(TM) EX Microprocessor
Intel386(TM) EX Embedded Microprocessor MHT9000 Handheld Terminal
Interfacing the Intel Flash 28F001BX-T to Your 186 Based System
Overview of the PC/104 Standard, and Vendors
The Intel386(TM) EX Microprocessors Enhanced DMA and DOS Compatibility
Understanding the Interrupt Control Unit of the 80C18xEC
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