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Instructions for Downloading and Installing VTune 2.1

Note: You must have a password to install VTune 2.1. When you download and unzip the VTune 2.1 update, you will be prompted for the password. See VTune 2.1 Update for password information.

To download VTune 2.1:

Note: VTune211.exe is about 14MB in size. Please use this information to gauge the amount of time it will take to download the update from your system.

  1. Click on the hotlink below:
    Download VTune211.exe
  2. Save Vtune211.exe to a temporary directory.
    VTune211.exe is a self-extracting install file.

To install VTune 2.1 on your system:

  1. From the File Manager, double-click on VTune211.exe.

  2. At the program's prompt, enter the password you received from the VTune Technical Support.

  3. If the password you entered is correct and the program accepts it, all the files necessary for installing VTune 2.1 will be extracted and the installation process begins.

Note: You must have administrator privileges to install VTune 2.1 on Windows* NT. If VTune is installed by a different user, when you log in for the first time, update the user’s registry by double-clicking on the Update User's VTune Registry icon in the VTune 2.1 program group.

How to Order
System Requirements


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