How to Order Suggested retail value of VTune is US $199.00. If you have purchased VTune 2.0, 2.01, or 2.02, you can download the VTune 2.11 upgrade free from this web site. You can also purchase a VTune 2.1 CD for $25.00 and later download the 2.11 patch update free from this web site. If you have VTune 1.0, you can purchase the VTune 2.1 upgrade for $39.00 and later download the 2.11 patch update free from this web site.
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Payment must be made with either VISA* or Mastercard*. Shipments are made every business day. Domestic shipments go UPS Ground, which takes 3-7 days. International shipments are usually sent via Federal Express* and can take several days depending on the export license requirements and the individual country's customs and excise laws.