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PC Architecture Means Fast Time-to-Market
PC architecture has spread far beyond the desktop, and today it can be found in products as diverse at bank ATM machines, department store point-of-sale terminals and industrial controllers in leading edge manufacturing plants. What's the big advantage of PC architecture? It's a matter of proven technology and fast time-to-market. Most designers find that their products can be more quickly and cost-effectively developed using a PC platform. In addition, a wide variety of third-party development tools and PC platform solutions are now available to make the job of product development even easier.

  • What is an Embedded PC?
    Hardware, BIOS and Operating System

  • 4 Key Advantages of PC Architecture
    Ways to cut costs and reduce time-to-market

  • Important Design Issues
    What you should know before you start

  • Steps to an Embedded PC Design
    How to make it it short, simple, cost effective

  • [*] E.I.A. Home
    [*] Design Lab

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