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Steps to an Embedded PC Design: Short, Simple, and Cost-Effective
Embedded PC architecture shortens the design process, saving valuable time at every step:
  • System design - Select available options based on standard PC architecture, and standard third-party BIOS building blocks.
  • Detailed hardware design - If the design uses off-the-shelf products, select the appropriate boards from a wide range of options. If a custom design must be used, choose from widely available chips and chip sets.
  • Detailed software design - Select as much off-the-shelf software as possible, together with inexpensive and high-quality tools. High-level tools are available to develop software without writing code. Many proven GUI development tools are also available.
  • Prototype - Save time and money by testing hardware and software integration early in the development cycle on a standard PC.
  • Final system integration - Move tested software from the desktop prototype to the final product.
  • Maintenance - PC architecture is well-known and documented. This allows maintenance personnel to use a variety of sources of PC documentation, even when product documentation is not available.

    The Embedded PC: Formula for Success
    Today's embedded system designers should be fully conversant with the advantages of Intel architecture. A clear grasp of design issues helps avoid potential problems, while assuring the fastest time-to-market and minimal development costs. For many applications and products, basing the design on the PC platform is a formula for success.

  • What is an Embedded PC?
    Hardware, BIOS and Operating System

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