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Four Key Advantages of PC Architecture
for Embedded Designs

1. Designing an embedded product on a PC can cut total system cost, and make the development process simpler and shorter. The fact is that PC platforms are universal, and there are multiple sources for platform solutions.

2. PC architecture is well-understood. Embedded PC designers do not have to be "embedded systems experts" to implement a PC design. A tremendous number of PC system designers and programmers are available.

3. PC platforms are evolving in performance and sophistication. Embedded PCs can benefit from the high performance of the Pentium® processor and PCI bus.

4. A vast array of development software is currently available. Embedded systems designers have a wide choice of low-cost, high-quality and exceptionally diverse tools. Almost every programming language is supported, along with device drivers, compilers, debuggers and function libraries.

  • Important Design Issues
    What you should know before you start

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