Intel Recognition Primitives Library
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Intel Recognition Primitives Library Demos

This page provides a description of the Image Processing and Handwritten Character Recognition demos of the Intel Recognition Primitives library. To download and install the library executables and demos, click on Download and Install.

FIR Demo Description
Image Processing Demo Description
The image processing demo program rlimage.exe uses the image processing functions in the Recognition Primitives Library and is provided in the directory PERFORM\bin. This demo can be run on Windows* NT*, Windows 3.1 and Windows 95.

To run the program, do the following:

  1. Execute rlimage.exe from the PERFORM\bin directory. The demo displays the Reclib Image Demo Window.
  2. Select a .BMP image file by using the Open option in the File menu. The demo displays the input image you selected.
  3. Select one of the functions: Rotate, Convolve, Mirror, or Invert from the ImageProcessing menu. The processed output image will display.
For more details about using the Image Processing demo, you can access the help file from the Reclib Image Demo Window.

A make file, rlimage.mak, source files and other support files are provided in the directory PERFORM\examples\img_demo should you wish to rebuild the program using Microsoft Visual C++* v2.x. Sample images in the form of bitmap files are provided in the demo directory. (If you have installed the libraries, bitmap files may also be found in PERFORM\examples\img_demo\samples.)

Handwritten Character Recognition Demo Description
A demo program, dtw_demo, that uses the Dynamic Time Warping functions in the library, is provided in the PEFORM\bin directory. To run the demo, execute dtw_demo.exe from the PERFORM\bin directory. The demo will let you perform the following tasks:

  • Draw a character in a file, then let dtw_demo recognize the character.
  • Select different DTW algorithms and vary the input parameters to see how they influence the results.
  • Increase the demo's chances of recognizing a character correctly by creating your own templates of handwritten characters that you can use in addition to the templates provided by the demo.
  • Use the demo to recognize a character in one of the .hws character template files.
  • The dtw_demo can be run on Windows NT, Win 3.1 (it requires Win32s*) and Windows 95. A make file dtw_demo.mak, source files, and other support files are provided in the directory PERFORM\examples\dtw_demo should you need to rebuild the program using Microsoft Visual C++ v. 2.x. Sample handwritten character templates are provided with the extension .hws.

    The online help describes all of these tasks and more. The online help is accessible through the Help menu on the Handwritten Character Recognition Interface.

    Installing and Downloading the Recognition Primitives Library Demos
    To run the Recognition Primitives Library demos, you must first download rpldemos.exe. Afterwards, you must execute img_demo.exe and dtw_demo.exe to run the Image Processing and Handwritten Character Recognition Demos respectively.

    NOTE:Win32s is required to run both of the Recognition Primitives Library demos. If you try to run it without the Win32s software installed, you will get a blank screen and then be returned to the screen from which the demo was launched.

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