The First Wave of USB Products
Developers are using Intel USB products and development solutions to enter the
market with an exciting new generation of USB peripherals.
With the World's First Commercially Available USB Speakers, Altec Lansing Technologies Puts
the PC at the Center of Digital Audio
Altec Lansing Technologies is the first company to put a USB computer speaker system on the market, a move the company
believes will enhance the development of computer-centric digital audio.
Key Tronic USB Keyboard Opens the Door to New Functionality and Features
Key Tronic Corporation has announced the first commercially available Universal Serial Bus (USB) computer keyboard. A member of the Key Tronic
KT-2000* product family, the new keyboard integrates the Intel 8x930Ax USB peripheral controller.
USB Product Development at Thrustmaster Taking Off with Top Gun* USB Joystick
ThrustMaster, Inc., a leading supplier of PC entertainment peripherals, has announced the release of the first
flight simulation joystick to support Universal Serial Bus (USB) technology.
Mitel First-To-Market With USB-Ready Phone
Mitel Corporation, working in cooperation with Intel and Microsoft, has developed the world's first commercially available USB (Universal Serial Bus)-ready telephone.
*Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.