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Key Tronic USB Keyboard Opens the Door to New Functionality and Features

Key Tronic Corporation has announced the first Universal Serial Bus (USB) computer keyboard. A member of the Key Tronic KT-2000* product family, the new keyboard integrates the Intel 8x930Ax USB peripheral controller.

"We have used a variety of Intel USB development tools on the board and chip level," says Key Tronic Product Manager Sandy Churchill. She notes that fast-track development of the new keyboard was made possible by USB compatibility workshops that fostered a close working collaboration between engineers representing Key Tronic, Intel and Microsoft in addition to independent BIOS developers.

Intel Interoperability
"Interoperability of Intel USB controllers has been a huge benchmark," Churchill says. "I know that if I do a compatibility test tomorrow, it will pass."

Supporting the interests of the PC OEM community in the new functionality and enriched product feature sets enabled by USB is a principal objective of the Key Tronic development program.

Churchill notes that Plug and Play has been "a huge issue," in addition to some of the other exciting new keyboard functionality made possible by USB.

OEM Interest
"OEMs are interested in finding ways to enrich their products, and consumers are looking for new features. The OEM community has shown a great deal of interest in the new PC control functionality enabled by USB, especially in the multimedia area. These new functions can include TV control, remote control, volume controls and scrolling features to support Web surfing."

Key Tronic is making engineering models of the new keyboard available now to OEMs and members of the USB Implementers Forum, Churchill says, and sees retail opportunities emerging later, as PC users become better informed about the benefits of USB technology.

Key Tronic Corporation is the world's largest independent producer of computer keyboards and input devices.

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