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USB Product Development at ThrustMaster Rolls Down the Runway with Top Gun* USB Joystick

ThrustMaster, Inc., a leading supplier of PC entertainment peripherals, has announced the release of the first flight simulation joystick to support Universal Serial Bus (USB) technology.

The Top Gun USB joystick was developed by ThrustMaster working in collaboration with the Intel USB lab in Hillsboro, Oregon. The device integrates the Intel 8x930Ax USB controller.

The Top Gun USB joystick is modeled after the grip found in the F-4 Phantom fighter jet. The device features a four-way hat switch, three buttons and a quick action trigger and is fully programmable through USB.

Evaluation units have been manufactured, and ThrustMaster will ship the new joystick to OEM accounts in the first quarter of 1997.

Intel USB Solution
"We've stayed with the Intel solution throughout the whole program," says Bob Martin, ThrustMaster vice president of strategic planning.

Martin says that ThrustMaster has followed a "parallel path" to develop USB software drivers.

"While we have stayed with the Microsoft USB solution, Intel has also supported our time-to-market goals by providing us with drivers we can modify very easily. Everything looks extremely solid, and we are very comfortable with the connectivity issues."

Martin notes that USB is a very timely technology to support direct input and other Windows* operating system enhancements. "As more and more games are developed in Windows, users will be able to switch easily from game to game."

OEM Opportunities
"The systems people bought into USB early and have been shipping systems since mid-1996. USB creates a lot of OEM opportunities, but a lot of product education is important for consumers to realize the cost benefits of USB technology. In order to accomplish this, the systems people must include USB devices with their systems."

High Quality at Lower Cost
For example, the TopGun USB Joystick will be fully programmable through USB, making it the lowest-priced programmable joystick ThrustMaster has ever offered. Martin adds that USB technology "allows the addition of a high-quality programmable throttle at a lower cost than ever before."

ThrustMaster, based in Hillsboro, OR, is a leading manufacturer of game controllers and peripherals for PC-based entertainment, including action, adventure, sports and arcade products. An established leader in flight game controllers, the company is also a leading supplier of driving wheels. The Top Gun USB joystick exemplifies ThrustMaster's continuing leadership in the development of innovative peripherals.

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