Class anim.VerticalFlipEffect
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Class anim.VerticalFlipEffect


public class VerticalFlipEffect
extends Effect
A Vertical flip effect. Takes it's input and flips it vertically-- about a horizontal line through its middle.

Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Intel Corporation


 O VerticalFlipEffect()
Creates a VerticalFlipEffect.


 O activate(boolean)
Conditionally causes an effect to be applied to a displayable object.
 O objApplyEffect(int)
Not applet visible.
 O objRemoveEffect(int)
Not applet visible.
 O setInputView(Rectangle)
Not applet visible.
 O setOutputView()
Not applet visible.
 O toString()
Returns the String representation of this Effect's internal state.


 O VerticalFlipEffect
  public VerticalFlipEffect()
Creates a VerticalFlipEffect.


 O objApplyEffect
  protected int objApplyEffect(int hObj)
Not applet visible. Native method for implementation.
objApplyEffect in class Effect
 O objRemoveEffect
  protected int objRemoveEffect(int hObj)
Not applet visible. Native method for implementation.
objRemoveEffect in class Effect
 O setInputView
  protected boolean setInputView(Rectangle rect)
Not applet visible. Specifies the input view rect for this effect. This is a rectangle within the input that will be used as the input region for this effect. It is used by an effect that is applied immediately before this effect to infrom this effect about the input rect that is going to be presented to it
false if parameters are out of range for this effect. true otherwise
setInputView in class Effect
 O setOutputView
  protected boolean setOutputView()
Not applet visible. Sets the output view for this effect based on its input view and the parameters of this effect. This is a rectangle that defines a region on the output that this effect maps to
false if parameters are out of range for this effect. true otherwise
setOutputView in class Effect
 O activate
  public boolean activate(boolean cond)
Conditionally causes an effect to be applied to a displayable object.
cond - if true, it activates the effect; deactivates otherwise.
always true for this effect
activate in class Effect
 O toString
  public String toString()
Returns the String representation of this Effect's internal state.
toString in class Effect

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