Class anim.Effect
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Class anim.Effect


public class Effect
extends Object
An abstract class that is subclassed to define an animation effects that can be applied to displayable object.

Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Intel Corporation

See Also:
HorizontalFlipEffect, VerticalFlipEffect, Affine2DEffect, ScaleEffect, RotateZEffect, RotateXEffect


 O Effect()


 O activate(boolean)
Sets the activation state of the effect to true (activated) or false (not activated)
 O fxSetActive(boolean)
not applet visible
 O fxSetLimits(int, int)
not applet visible
 O getOutputView()
Gets the output View for this effect.
 O isActive()
returns the current activation state of this effect.
 O objApplyEffect(int)
not applet visible
 O objRemoveEffect(int)
not applet visible
 O rippleChange()
Not applet visible.
 O setInputView(Rectangle)
Not applet visible.
 O setOutputView()
Not applet visible.
 O setParams()
Not applet visible.
 O toggle()
Toggles the activation state of this effect (if it is active, it is deactivated and vice versa)
 O toString()
Returns the String representation of this Effect's internal state.


 O Effect
  public Effect()


 O fxSetActive
  protected int fxSetActive(boolean cond)
not applet visible
 O objApplyEffect
  protected int objApplyEffect(int hObj)
not applet visible
 O objRemoveEffect
  protected int objRemoveEffect(int hObj)
not applet visible
 O fxSetLimits
  protected int fxSetLimits(int width,
                            int height)
not applet visible
 O toggle
  public boolean toggle()
Toggles the activation state of this effect (if it is active, it is deactivated and vice versa)
false if the toggle failed, true otherwise
See Also:
isActive, activate
 O activate
  public boolean activate(boolean cond)
Sets the activation state of the effect to true (activated) or false (not activated)
cond - if true, it activates the effect; deactivates otherwise.
false if the activate failed, true otherwise
See Also:
 O isActive
  public boolean isActive()
returns the current activation state of this effect.
true if the effect is active; false otherwise.
See Also:
 O setOutputView
  protected abstract boolean setOutputView()
Not applet visible. Sets the ouput view of an effect based on its current input view. This is an abstract method that each effect implements based on the way that it effects the data
false if Parameters are out of range for this effect. true otherwise
 O getOutputView
  public Rectangle getOutputView()
Gets the output View for this effect. This is a rectangle that defines the output of this effect. It is in the coordinate system of the sprite.
OutputView of effect.
 O rippleChange
  protected boolean rippleChange()
Not applet visible. Internal method used by all effects to ripple their changes in input and output views downstream to other effects and the sprite.
false if rippling this change downstream caused a downstream effect to have out of range parameters. true otherwise
 O setParams
  protected boolean setParams()
Not applet visible. Used by concrete subclasses of this class to actually set parameters for the effect if they have changed and are within range
false if setParams failed, true otherwise.
 O setInputView
  protected boolean setInputView(Rectangle rect)
Not applet visible. Specifies the input rectangle for this effect. This is a rectangle that defines the input region for this effect. The input rectangle is on the coordinate system of the sprite. This method then adjusts the effect's output view accordingly and ripples changes to downstream effects and the sprite. This method is used by an effect A that is applied immediately before effect B to inform effect B about the input Rectangle that is going to be presented to it
false if the passed in rectangle has 0 or negative height or width or if it parameters for this effect or a downstream effect to be out of range. true otherwise
 O toString
  public String toString()
Returns the String representation of this Effect's internal state.
toString in class Object

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