Hybrid Authoring Tools
Now available: hands on access to the latest technologies and tools in the area of Internet media and DVD. The newly opened Hybrid Authoring Studio at Intel’s Hillsboro, Oregon facility, provides developers with an opportunity to bring in their Internet connected hybrid CD ROMS or other hybrid content for testing and technical evaluation/guidance by the lab’s team of hybrid technology experts. The lab also features full DVD authoring and mastering equipment, for those developers interested in this hot new medium.
To schedule time in the facility, call 503-264-3555.
Prices vary by services required. To see a full list of services and prices offered by Intel’s Developer Support Program, click here.
In addition to state of the art equipment and consultants, the lab is devoted to keeping up with the latest and greatest hybrid tools: A few of the hybrid tools which are utilized:
Current Offerings
- HTML, ActiveX, Java, Shockwave and VRML
In the near future, the lab will add the following tools
- Video Streaming: H.263
- Audio Streaming: G.723, S/W MIDI, AC97
Internet Media Technical Support
- Developer Support Tools Developed By Intel
- The Intel support staff members can provide Software Developers support up to and including source code development with various Internet tools developed by Intel. These tools include Indeo(R) Video Interactive, RDX, RSX, VTune and other tools available at the time.
- Developer Assistance with 3rd party tools
- The Intel support staff can provide assistance to software developers with popular tools developed
by third party developers.
- Assistance with Web Authoring
- Testing of Web Page Links