Commercial |
| All |
| Software-Code Examples |
|  | Helpful Hint: Optimizing Switch Statements For Execution Performance In iC960 R3.0 And R3.5 |
| CX |
| Software-Code Examples |
|  | 80960CA Code Examples |
|  | Cyclone EP Example Program Install |
|  | i960® CA/CF Microprocessors's Self Test |
|  | Procedures Required to Write ISRs |
|  | The 80960 QUICKval Kit |
|  | Writing Leaf Procedures With ASM960 That Can Be Called From C960 Programs |
|  | [SRC] 80960 Software Examples |
|  | [TXT] Init Code For the 80960CS in Assembly |
| Software-Drivers |
|  | 82596 Ethernet Drivers for the 960CA |
| Software-Executables |
|  | 80960CX Tomcat Pld Source Files |
|  | Monitor Used to Talk to Eval Board |
|  | Monitor Used to Talk to Eval Board |
| Software-Misc. |
|  | 80960CA Detect Util for A28 DMA |
|  | EPS Files |
|  | EV80960CA CADIC Jedec PAL File |
|  | EV80960CA Eval Board Jedec Files |
|  | EV80960CA PAL Source Codes |
|  | EV80960CA U5 4Meg Jedec File |
|  | [IBIS]80960CA(16,25,33)/80960CF(16,25) |
|  | [IBIS]80960CA(16,25,33)/80960CF(16,25) 1 |
|  | [IBIS]80960CF (33 MHz) 196L PQFP |
|  | [IBIS]80960CF (33MHz) 168L PGA |
| HX |
| Software-Code Examples |
|  | Cyclone EP Example Program Install |
|  | The 80960 QUICKval Kit |
| Software-Misc. |
|  | BSDL File for the 80960Hx 168 Pin PGA |
|  | BSDL File for the 80960Hx 208 Pin PQ2 (PQFP) |
|  | EPS Files |
|  | [IBIS] 80960Hx 168L PGA |
|  | [IBIS] 80960Hx 208L PQ2 |
| JX |
| Software-Code Examples |
|  | 80960JX Startup Code |
|  | Cyclone EP Example Program Install |
|  | JX DRAM Design Info For AP-712 |
|  | The 80960 QUICKval Kit |
|  | [SRC] 80960 Software Examples |
| Software-Executables |
|  | Monitor Used to Talk to Eval Board |
|  | Monitor Used to Talk to Eval Board |
| Software-Misc. |
|  | 80L960JA/JF (16,25,33MHz) 132 PQFP |
|  | BSDL File for the 80960JX 132 Pin PGA 14 |
|  | BSDL File for the 80960JX 132 Pin PQFP p |
|  | EPS Files |
|  | [IBIS]80960JA/JD/JF (16,25,33,40,44,50) |
|  | [IBIS]80960JA/JD/JF (16,25,33,40,44,50) |
|  | [IBIS]80960JA/JF (16,25,33MHz) 132 PGA |
| KX |
| Software-Code Examples |
|  | Cyclone EP Example Program Install |
|  | The 80960 QUICKval Kit |
| Software-Misc. |
|  | EPS Files |
|  | Implementation of Elements for 80960 KA/KB |
| SX |
| Software-Code Examples |
|  | Cyclone EP Example Program Install |
|  | The 80960 QUICKval Kit |
| Software-Executables |
|  | EV80960SX JEDEC Files for Rev 1.1 |
| Software-Misc. |
|  | EPS Files |
|  | Pal Source Code in ABL Format. Rev 1.1 |
|  | PLD Equ. for Laser Printer Controller |
|  | [IBIS]80960SA (10,16,20MHz) 84L PLCC |
|  | [IBIS]80960SA (10.16,20MHz) 80L QFP |
|  | [IBIS]80960SB (10,16MHz) 34L PLCC |
|  | [IBIS]80960SB (10,16MHz) 80L QFP |
| Software-Code Examples |
|  | The 80960 QUICKval kit .exe file |