These pages now support the CTOOLS
release 5.1.
These pages provide instructions on how to download and install CTOOLS patches, release versions of MON960/MONDB monitor/debugger programs, and buildable source code for CTOOLS Release 5.1. Software patches are updated versions of CTOOLS that fix problems reported by customers or discovered in-house. Source code is also available to build either the last major release (5.1) or the latest patched version.
Note: Contact your local Intel distributor for information on updating to release 5.1.
Patches are available for CTOOLS for releases 5.0 and 5.1. The Release Notes pages provide complete descriptions of the issues resolved by the patch files.
MON960 and MONDB provide powerful features for monitoring your target board and debugging your software. We provide buildable source code for this software free of charge.
You can build a version of CTOOLS tools with the source code for any of the supported hosts. Once this is done, you can download the source code patches to build a version that includes all bug fixes.
Note: Building a Windows 95/NT release version is not recommended because it requires a UNIX system and a PC. Such a build also requires a number of PC software packages. For further information, customers in the U.S. and Canada can contact Intel 80960 Customer support at 1-800-628-8686. Customers in other countries should contact their local Intel representative.
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