*Additional Information

WinSock 2 SDK

The WinSock 2 SDK contains all of the development components needed for developing WinSock 2 applications and service providers on both Windows 95* and Windows NT* platforms. This includes the WinSock 2 runtime components for Windows 95, all needed header and library files, and sample code to get you started.

Download beta version 1.6 of the WinSock 2 SDK
(Zip File 851 KByte) Last updated: August 14, 1996

This version of the SDK corresponds to version 2.2.0 of the WinSock API and SPI specifications.

Developer support for the WinSock 2 SDK is available in two ways:

SDK Background and Description
Intel Architecture Labs (IAL) and Microsoft Corporation jointly developed the WinSock 2 SDK for Microsoft’s 32-bit operating systems which include both Windows 95 and Windows NT platforms. The SDK contains all of the components necessary for software developers to create data communications applications including specifications, sample applications code, and the DLL components.

With release 4.0 of NT, Windows Sockets 2 is now an integral part of the Windows NT operating system and is a standard component of the Win 32 SDK. Windows Sockets 2 will also be incoporated into a future version of the Windows 95 operating system. Until this occurs, redistributable runtime components for the Windows 95 operating system will be made available.

* Legal Stuff © 1997 Intel Corporation

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