Interface spatialAudio.StreamingSoundSource
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Interface spatialAudio.StreamingSoundSource

public interface StreamingSoundSource
extends Object
extends SoundSource
The StreamingSoundSource interface provides the functionality specific to streaming sound sources.

Copyright (c) 1996 Intel Corporation

See Also:


 O flush()
Requests the immediate return of all buffers in the streaming sound source’s playback queue and resets the playback position to zero.
 O submitBuffer(BufferHolder)
Writes a buffer to the streaming sound source’s queue for playback.


 O flush
  public abstract boolean flush()
Requests the immediate return of all buffers in the streaming sound source’s playback queue and resets the playback position to zero.
 O submitBuffer
  public abstract boolean submitBuffer(BufferHolder buffer)
Writes a buffer to the streaming sound source’s queue for playback. This function is non-blocking. The number of bytes submitted must be a multiple of the blockAlign field of the WaveFormat structure specified when the sound source is created. (the default is 2 bytes). This prevents partial samples from being submitted.

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