Class anim.StaticDataSprite
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Class anim.StaticDataSprite


public class StaticDataSprite
extends Sprite
A static data sprite. There are two differences between StaticDataSprites and DynamicDataSprites. 1. A StaticDataSprite should only take image data from ONE AnimImage. Once an AnimImage is assigned to a StaticDataSprite, the StaticDataSprite should not be assigned to another AnimImage. If you will frequently assign different AnimImages to a Sprite, use DynamicDataSprite. 2. A StaticDataSprite cannot have its input view adjusted. If you want to change the input view, use DynamicDataSprite.

Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Intel Corporation


 O StaticDataSprite()


 O finalize()
Called immediately before garbage collection of this object.
 O setData(AnimImage)


 O StaticDataSprite
  public StaticDataSprite()


 O finalize
  protected void finalize() throws Throwable
Called immediately before garbage collection of this object.
Throws: Throwable
Never thrown. See Object.finalize for further information.
finalize in class Object
 O setData
  public synchronized boolean setData(AnimImage si)

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