Class anim.ScaleParam
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Class anim.ScaleParam


public class ScaleParam
extends Object
A Scaling parameter for 2D scaling

Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Intel Corporation


 O xOrigin
x coordinate of the origin about which to perform scaling.
 O xScale
Amount of scaling in the x dimension.
 O yOrigin
y coordinate of the origin about which to perform scaling.
 O yScale
Amount of scaling in the y dimension.


 O ScaleParam()
Default constructor.
 O ScaleParam(float)
Constructor using passed in Scale.
 O ScaleParam(float, float)
Constructor using passed in xScale,yScale
 O ScaleParam(float, float, int, int)
Constructor using passed in xScale,yScale, xOrigin and yOrigin
 O ScaleParam(ScaleParam)
Constructor using passed in Scale Param


 O equals(ScaleParam)
 O toString()


 O xScale
  public float xScale
Amount of scaling in the x dimension. Default is 1.0 which is no scaling. Values below 0.0 are illegal. Values below 1.0 cause the object to shrink. Values above 1.0 cause expansion.
 O yScale
  public float yScale
Amount of scaling in the y dimension. Default is 1.0 which is no scaling. Values below 0.0 are illegal. Values below 1.0 cause the object to shrink. Values above 1.0 cause expansion.
 O xOrigin
  public int xOrigin
x coordinate of the origin about which to perform scaling. Deafult is 0 which sets the x coordinate of the origin to be the left edge of the object.
 O yOrigin
  public int yOrigin
y coordinate of the origin about which to perform scaling. Deafult is 0 which sets the y coordinate of the origin to be the top of the object.


 O ScaleParam
  public ScaleParam(float x,
                    float y)
Constructor using passed in xScale,yScale
 O ScaleParam
  public ScaleParam(float x,
                    float y,
                    int xOrigin,
                    int yOrigin)
Constructor using passed in xScale,yScale, xOrigin and yOrigin
 O ScaleParam
  public ScaleParam(float scale)
Constructor using passed in Scale. Both dimensions are scaled equally
 O ScaleParam
  public ScaleParam()
Default constructor. Sets both dimensions to 1.0 and both origins to 0
 O ScaleParam
  public ScaleParam(ScaleParam scale)
Constructor using passed in Scale Param


 O equals
  public boolean equals(ScaleParam test)
 O toString
  public String toString()
toString in class Object

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