Class anim.Point3D
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Class anim.Point3D


public class Point3D
extends Object
A 3D Point

Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Intel Corporation

See Also:


 O x
variables that store the internal state of the 3D point
 O y
 O z


 O Point3D()
Default constructor.
 O Point3D(int, int)
Constructor using passed in x,y coords.
 O Point3D(int, int, int)
Constructor using passed in x,y,z coords
 O Point3D(Point3D)
Constructor using passed in Point3D


 O add(int, int)
Adds a displacement to a 3D point.
 O add(int, int, int)
Adds a displacement to a 3D point.
 O add(Point)
Adds a displacement to a 3D point.
 O add(Point3D)
Adds a displacement to a 3D point.
 O equals(int, int)
Tests if the (x,y) components of the 3D point is equal to the passed in point.
 O equals(int, int, int)
Tests if the 3D point is equal to the passed in point.
 O equals(Point)
Tests if the (x,y) components of the 3D point is equal to the passed in point.
 O equals(Point3D)
Tests if the 3D point is equal to the passed in point.
 O getPoint()
returns the x,y components of this point in a awt Point
 O subtract(int, int)
subtracts a displacement to a 3D point.
 O subtract(int, int, int)
subtracts a displacement to a 3D point.
 O subtract(Point)
subtracts a displacement to a 3D point.
 O subtract(Point3D)
subtracts a displacement to a 3D point.
 O toString()


 O x
  public int x
variables that store the internal state of the 3D point
 O y
  public int y
 O z
  public int z


 O Point3D
  public Point3D(int x,
                 int y,
                 int z)
Constructor using passed in x,y,z coords
 O Point3D
  public Point3D(int x,
                 int y)
Constructor using passed in x,y coords. The third coordinate is set to zero
 O Point3D
  public Point3D()
Default constructor. Sets all coord to 0.
 O Point3D
  public Point3D(Point3D point)
Constructor using passed in Point3D


 O add
  public void add(Point3D displacement)
Adds a displacement to a 3D point. Where the displacement is another 3D point.
 O add
  public void add(int x,
                  int y,
                  int z)
Adds a displacement to a 3D point. Where the displacement is another point represented by (x,y,z).
 O add
  public void add(Point displacement)
Adds a displacement to a 3D point. Where the displacement is a regular awt 2D point.
 O add
  public void add(int x,
                  int y)
Adds a displacement to a 3D point. Where the displacement is a 2D point represented by (x,y).
 O subtract
  public void subtract(Point3D displacement)
subtracts a displacement to a 3D point. Where the displacement is another 3D point.
 O subtract
  public void subtract(int x,
                       int y,
                       int z)
subtracts a displacement to a 3D point. Where the displacement is another point represented by (x,y,z).
 O subtract
  public void subtract(Point displacement)
subtracts a displacement to a 3D point. Where the displacement is a regular awt 2D point.
 O subtract
  public void subtract(int x,
                       int y)
subtracts a displacement to a 3D point. Where the displacement is a 2D point represented by (x,y).
 O equals
  public boolean equals(Point3D test)
Tests if the 3D point is equal to the passed in point. Where the passed in point is another 3D point.
 O equals
  public boolean equals(int x,
                        int y,
                        int z)
Tests if the 3D point is equal to the passed in point. Where the passed in point is another 3D point in (x,y,z) form.
 O equals
  public boolean equals(Point test)
Tests if the (x,y) components of the 3D point is equal to the passed in point. Where the passed in point is a regular 2D awt Point.
 O equals
  public boolean equals(int x,
                        int y)
Tests if the (x,y) components of the 3D point is equal to the passed in point. Where the passed in point is in (x,y) representation
 O getPoint
  public Point getPoint()
returns the x,y components of this point in a awt Point
 O toString
  public String toString()
toString in class Object

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