Class anim.Affine2DParam
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Class anim.Affine2DParam


public class Affine2DParam
extends Object
A Affine2D parameter for a general 2D Affine transform

Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Intel Corporation


 O xOrigin
The x coordinate of the origin about which to apply this effect.
 O xScale
Amount of scaling in the x dimension.
 O xShear
Amount of shearing in the x dimension.
 O xTranslate
Amount of translation in the x dimension.
 O yOrigin
The y coordinate of the origin about which to apply this effect.
 O yScale
Amount of scaling in the y dimension.
 O yShear
Amount of shearing in the y dimension.
 O yTranslate
Amount of translation in the x dimension.


 O Affine2DParam()
Default constructor.
 O Affine2DParam(Affine2DParam)
Constructor using passed in Affine2DParam.
 O Affine2DParam(float, float, float, float)
Constructor using passed in Scale and Shear Params.
 O Affine2DParam(float, float, float, float, float, float)
Constructor using passed in Scale, Shear, and Translate Params.
 O Affine2DParam(float, float, float, float, float, float, int, int)
Constructor using passed in Scale, Shear, Translate, and Origin Params.


 O equals(Affine2DParam)
 O toString()


 O xScale
  public float xScale
Amount of scaling in the x dimension. default is 1.0 which is no scaling. negative values are invalid. All positive values are valid.
 O yScale
  public float yScale
Amount of scaling in the y dimension. default is 1.0 which is no scaling. negative values are invalid. All positive values are valid.
 O xShear
  public float xShear
Amount of shearing in the x dimension. default is 0.0 which is no shearing. Positive values shear the lower part of the object to the right and the higher part to the left. Negative values do the opposite. Shear magnitude of 1.0 causes an amount of shearing equal to the height of the object.
 O yShear
  public float yShear
Amount of shearing in the y dimension. default is 0.0 which is no shearing. Positive values shear the right part of the object downwards and the left part upwards. Negative values do the opposite. Shear magnitude of 1.0 causes an amount of shearing equal to the width of the object.
 O xTranslate
  public float xTranslate
Amount of translation in the x dimension. Default is 0.0
 O yTranslate
  public float yTranslate
Amount of translation in the x dimension. Default is 0.0
 O xOrigin
  public int xOrigin
The x coordinate of the origin about which to apply this effect. Given that the top left on each object is considered (0,0), to apply an effect centered about the object, this coordinate should be width/2 where width is the width of the objects source. Default is 0 which sets the origin to be the left extreme of the object.
 O yOrigin
  public int yOrigin
The y coordinate of the origin about which to apply this effect. Given that the top left on each object is considered (0,0), to apply an effect centered about the object, this coordinate should be height/2 where height is the height of the objects source. Default is 0 which sets the origin to be the top of the object.


 O Affine2DParam
  public Affine2DParam(float xScale,
                       float yScale,
                       float xShear,
                       float yShear,
                       float xTranslate,
                       float yTranslate,
                       int xOrigin,
                       int yOrigin)
Constructor using passed in Scale, Shear, Translate, and Origin Params.
 O Affine2DParam
  public Affine2DParam(float xScale,
                       float yScale,
                       float xShear,
                       float yShear,
                       float xTranslate,
                       float yTranslate)
Constructor using passed in Scale, Shear, and Translate Params. The axes is set to 0.
 O Affine2DParam
  public Affine2DParam(float xScale,
                       float yScale,
                       float xShear,
                       float yShear)
Constructor using passed in Scale and Shear Params. Translations are set to 0 and the axes are set to 0
 O Affine2DParam
  public Affine2DParam()
Default constructor. Sets magnitude to 0.0 and Axis to 0
 O Affine2DParam
  public Affine2DParam(Affine2DParam affine2d)
Constructor using passed in Affine2DParam. This can be used to copy one affine2dparam to another.


 O equals
  public boolean equals(Affine2DParam test)
 O toString
  public String toString()
toString in class Object

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