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TC430HX Product Documentation

Technical Product Specification

  • This product specification applies only to standard TC430HX motherboards with BIOS identifier 1.00.0x.DH0. Changes to this specification will be published in the TC430HX Motherboard Specification Update before being incorporated into a revision of this document. Adobe Acrobat format

    [PDF] 28182002.PDF: Size: 276919 Date: Feb 4, 1997

Motherboard Specification Update

To get technical assistance for a motherboard manufactured by Intel, first check with your place of purchase or the system manufacturer. They'll know the most about your exact configuration and will have the latest information that is specific to your product.

Intel is able to provide only general technical support information for its standard products. Your motherboard or configuration may be different and, as a result, the information and files included here may not work with your hardware.

Updated: Friday, February 14, 1997

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