ChipView-x96 Simulator Debugger

ChipTools Inc.

Type :
Last Update:

MCS(R) 96 Controllers
Development Software
12/12/96 10:49:52 AM

Vendor Information

Tool Description:

Turbo C programmers can move to debugging Intel MCS 96 microcontroller embedded C instantly, as ChipView-x96 is key-compatible with BorlandÆs award-winning Turbo Debugger. The ChipView Windows Debugger is easy to learn since it makes full use of state-of-the-art Windows controls, such as toolbars, tooltips, drag-and-drop, and context-sensitive pop-up menus.
The ChipView-x96 Instruction-Set Simulator supports both 16-bit and 24-bit opcodes to let you debug your Intel MCS 96 microcontroller program in a safe, crash-proof environment. Running on your PC with no additional hardware, this high-performance engine achieves near real-time speed of an Intel MCS 96 micro-controller. It is ideal for testing entire pro-grams before the target hardware is ready.
It fully supports vertical and horizontal windowing, and automatically traps odd-boundary or reserved address accesses. Interrupts can be timed or manually triggered while the simulation is running. Elapsed cycle times are continuously measured, to permit testing and timing of interrupt-driven routines.
The Instruction-Set Simulator collects up to 16K of trace, complete with time stamp information. Code and data spaces can be mapped with 256 byte granularity. The entire address space of the 24-bit family is simulated so that the Intel MCS 96 microcontroller program can be debugged on the simulator.
Views to choose from include: source-level code, assembly-level code, watches, inspectors, on-chip registers, C call stack, variables, breakpoints, execution trace, session log, elapsed cycles, memory dumps, and more.
See all variables (global & local) in the Variables Window, or track a few expressions in the Watch Window. Decompose arrays or structures across several Inspector Windows. ChipView-x96 allows point and click to follow a linked list.
ChipView-x96 is available with a Simulation engine, a RISM-based ROM Monitor engine, or interfaced to popular Intel MCS 96 microcontroller in-circuit emulators and ROM emulators. ChipView-x96 has High-Level support for C compilers and Assemblers from Tasking, IAR (Archimedes), and Intel.

Tool Features:

  • Simulator Requires No Hardware

  • Supports All 16-bit and 24-bit MCS96* Microcontrollers

  • Near Real-Time Speed

  • Cycle Timing and Trace Window Included

  • Key-Compatible With Borland's Turbo Debugger

  • High-Level Debug , PL/M96, and Assemblers

  • Point & Click to Breakpoint, Watch

  • Over 14 Fully Interactive Views

  • ChipView-196 Products Share Common User Interface

  • DOS or Windows-Based Application

  • Development Platform(s):

    Windows, IBM PC or compatible 286, 386 with at least 3MB RAM

    File Attachments:

    127.PDF - Electronic catalog page

    Supported Device Detail Matrix:

    Part & Package


    80296SA - 100ldQFP
    80296SA - 100ldSQFP
    87C196NT - 68ldPLCC
    8XC196KB - 68ldPLCC
    8XC196KB - 80ldQFP
    8XC196KC - 68ldPLCC
    8XC196KC - 80ldQFP
    8XC196KC - 80ldSQFP
    8XC196MX - 64ldSDIP
    8XC196MX - 80ldQFP
    8XC196MX - 84ldPLCC
    8XC196NP - 100ldQFP
    8XC196NP - 100ldSQFP
    8XC196NU - 100ldQFP
    8XC196NU - 100ldSQFP


    Vendor Information:

    ChipTools Inc.

    1232 Stave Bank Road
    Mississauga, Ontario , L5G 2V2
    (905) 274-6244

    Email :
    Fax : (905) 891-2715
    URL :

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