V'NICE-52 In-Circuit Emulator

Hi-Lo Systems Research

Type :
Last Update:

MCS(R) 51/151/251 Controller
12/11/96 02:06:26 PM

Vendor Information

Tool Description:

VÆNICE-52 In-Circuit Emulators fully emulate Intel 80(C)31/32 and 8x(C)51/52 microcontrollers. The VÆNICE-52 comes standard with 64K code memory and 64K data memory. To support the flexibility of the Intel 8xC51/31 architecture the VÆNICE-52 emulates internal, external, or combined internal/external program memory and data memory configurations. The VÆNICE-52 provides full access to all 4 I/O ports, all interrupts, all SFR, and all DATA and code memory spaces of Intel 8xC51/31 CPU. Any bit or byte address can easily be viewed and edited with the integrated E52 debugger.
The E52 debugger lets you take advantage of many software support tool providers including 2500AD, Archimedes, Avocet, Franklin, IAR, Keil, and others. The debugger interface is simple and straight forward. All common commands are displayed on the screen and are controlled by the keyboard function keys. When commands are highlighted from pull down menuÆs a description of the command is displayed on the bottom of the screen for easy reference. The E52 debugger gives you complete control over the VÆNICE-52 emulator and your target operation. Operations include single step, go slow, single step but execute subroutine calls in real time, go in real time until a break-point is reached, and run in real time. Status windows show the program flow, SFR registers, and the internal and external data memory spaces. There is also a watch window available to monitor C level variables in a user specified format (including support for local variables). Up to 10 breakpoints can be specified. Breakpoint conditions can include an address or address range in combination with the fetch, read, or write status and an external signal clip.
Debugging of Intel 8xC51/31 systems with the VÆNICE-52 can be started almost right out of the box and mastered in minutes to make 8xC51/31 development simple and efficient.

Tool Features:

  • Supports Keil/Franklin/IAR/2500AD... C Compilers

  • 128K Emulation Memory is Standard

  • Emulate Internal and External Memory

  • Full Support of Local Variables

  • Single Step, Go Slow

  • Step Over Calls

  • Run Until Break Point,...

  • Works Without Target Hardware

  • Real Time Emulation Up to 16 Mhz

  • Development Platform(s):

    PC (Non-Windows)

    File Attachments:

    39.PDF - Electronic catalog page

    Supported Device Detail Matrix:

    Part & Package


    8XC3X - 40ldPDIP
    8XC3X - 44ldPLCC
    8XC3X - 44ldQFP
    8XC5X - 40ldCerDIP
    8XC5X - 40ldPDIP
    8XC5X - 44ldPLCC
    8XC5X - 44ldQFP


    Vendor Information:

    Hi-Lo Systems Research

    44388 S Grimmer Blvd.
    Fremont , CA 94538
    (510) 623-8860

    Email :
    Fax : (510) 623-9925
    URL :

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