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Development Tools
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[Image Map]

Fast And Easy Data Access
Welcome to the April 1997 edition of the Developers' Insight CD-ROM. It's our web site for developers combined with the speed and ease of use of a CD-ROM. Which means you can download information faster than ever.

Keep Your Intel Product Documentation Current
Online CD Updates: Now you can go to the developers' web site and download to your hard drive all the new product technical documentation that's been added to the site since we pressed this CD.

This CD release gives you access to the complete 1997 Intel databook content. All documents contained in the databooks are available on this CD as well as on our developers' web site.

Sign Up To Receive Quarterly Releases of Developers' Insight On CD-ROM. Its FREE!
To make sure you always have the latest version of Developers' Insight on CD-ROM, fill out and post the mailer enclosed in this CD-ROM package. Or, if you have an active web connection, subscribe on-line.

Some Important Notes About Use
While this is a replica of our web site, it is impossible to duplicate the web on a CD. That's why links here that go beyond the bounds of developer.intel.com have been disabled. To view this information, please access our web site.

With such a vast amount of information, we couldn't fit it all on a single CD. The information is divided between products and technologies. Each area includes its respective development tools information.

Many of our documents are provided in the Adobe Acrobat* file format. If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat reader, we have provided it for your convenience.

For The Latest News, Visit Our Web Site
For the latest-breaking, most up-to-the-moment Intel news, visit our web site: http://developer.intel.com.

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