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USAR Offers USB Function ICs and Developer Kits for HID

USAR Inc. offers USB function ICs bundled with a free license to HID core object code that is compatible with the Intel 8x930 family of USB microcontrollers. The object code provides full generic USB functionality for keyboard, mouse, and touch screen input devices. In addition to maintaining compatibility with USB control commands, the code completely handles USB power management.

USAR offers a family of function ICs for keyboards, mouse devices, and touch screens, as well as an IC for both a pointing device and a touch screen. All of the function ICs include an extra port for connection of a PS/2-type input device.

In addition USAR offers USB HID Developers Kits to support accelerated product development of keyboard, mouse and touch screen products. Developers can use the kits to test input devices for compatibility with the USB specification. The kits also allow developers to test their implementation of the USB core in relation to a USB function IC. Drop-in modules for various USB pointing devices allow developers to select the appropriate technology for evaluation. The kits are complete with ICs, cables, documentation, software and a special upgrade board. USAR will update its code to reflect future revisions in the USB specification. The upgrade board allows users to download revised core objct code directly to their kit.

In addition to the USB Developer Kits, USAR's one-step design solution for USB HID peripheral development includes the following elements:

  • HID (Human Interface Device) class firmware development.
  • Creation of electronics for any input device, including keyboards, keypads, mice, joysticks, game pads and touch screens.
  • On-demand device driver development services.
  • Product lifecycle engineering support services.

    For additional information, or to order a USB Developer Kit, contact USAR at 212-226-2042 or e-mail: USBinfo@usar.com

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