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USB, Pentium® Processor with MMX™ Technology are Hot Features on 1997's New Generation of PCs

According to an announcement by the Universal Serial Bus Implementers Forum (USB-IF), most new PC models shipping in 1997 come with USB ports and Windows* 95 bus driver support.

The USB-IF made the announcement in January to more than 550 representatives of member companies gathered at the USB Developers Conference in Carlsbad, Calif. The Implementers Forum also announced that USB peripherals announced at COMDEX are on track for delivery in the first half of 1997.

Jim Pappas of Intel Architecture Labs explained that USB drivers incorporated in the latest OEM developers' release of the Windows 95 operating system allows PC manufacturers to ship new systems with USB ports fully enabled. Many of these systems are based on the Pentium® processor with MMX™ technology.

Pappas added that Intel is now tracking the development of more than 250 USB-compliant peripheral products designed with the Intel 8x930 family of USB controllers.

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