SmartDie Products User's GuideSection One: SmartDie Product Specification The SmartDie product specification documents contain die-levelinformation about individual SmartDie products. They are not meantto duplicate data that is readily available in other Intel documentssuch as the packaged product data sheets. Each product specification consists of feature bullets, a diephoto, die plot, pad coordinate table, SmartDie product processingdescription, special handling instructions (when appropriate),physical specifications, D/C specifications, ordering information,reference documents, and a document revision history. Section Two: SmartDie Products Manufacturing and Use Consumers of electronic devices are constantly demanding thatmore features be included in ever smaller products. This presentsdesigners with a substantial challenge. Shrinking products affectall facets of design, including electrical and mechanical parameters.One way to save space is to eliminate the packaging and placeintegrated circuits (ICs) directly on the printed wiring board(PWB). This is known as direct chip attach (DCA). DCA mountingcan reduce IC "real estate" by as much as 75 percent. Section Three: SmartDie Product Handling, Shipping Mediaand Storage Section three provides an overview of SmartDie product handling,the Gel-Pak reclamation program, ESD requirements, shipping mediaand storage. Section Four: SmartDie Product Quality and Reliability This section discusses how Intel's SmartDie Products undergoproduct qualifications to ensure the quality and reliability performanceof the die and to drive continuous improvement of the productand process. The qualification methodology validates the performanceof a SmartDie and demonstrates a comparative assessment betweena SmartDie and its commercial packaged product counterpart. Section Five: SmartDie Product Flow This section outlines the SmartDie product manufacturing flowfor Die Level Burn-In/Test (DLBI/T) and SmartSort. DLBI/T is primarilyused for logic products while products with low failure ratesrelated to burn-in accelerated mechanisms use the SmartSort flow.Following each flow there is a short description of each stepin the process.
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