Networked PC environments demand performance. The i960® I/O processor delivers. The Intel i960® RP processor is the newest member of the Intel 32-bit i960 processor family and the first in a family of intelligent I/O processors. The processor can help boost system throughput in network servers by relieving the host CPU of I/O interrupts. It is the optimal choice for network and storage I/O interfaces as well as in network adapter card and server motherboard applications. The i960 RP I/O processor features fast interrupt response times and includes a complete PCI-based subsystem to maximize the transaction rate and bandwidth with the PCI bus. The 80960 RP includes large code caches for storage of critical packet processing code and supports all network protocols. The processor also integrates a DMA controller, memory controller, I2C interface, APIC interface and a PCI-to-PCI bridge. Plus, it’s the first processor to support the I20 specification for standardized intelligent I/Oa standard many OEMs have already adopted. Intel High Integration Boot Block Flash Memory (2 Mbit - 8 Mbit) provides nonvolatile storage for updatable program code, board settings and system configuration data. The Intel Solutions960® program brings together a variety of innovative design tools from the industry's leading vendors. Intel QUICKval evaluation kits include sample code, a C compiler and demonstration versions of selected development tools.