Mass Storage:

Hard Disk Drives
Tape Drives
*Development Tools


Greater Performance Today and a Well-Defined Road Map to Enhanced Designs

In today's highly competitive mass storage market, performance, time-to-market and manufacturability are key design issues.

Hard Disk Drives and Tape Drives
The Intel MCS®196 microcontroller family, including the popular 8xC196NU and 8xC196NP microcontrollers, offers optimal price/performance for hard disk drive and tape drive applications. Intel MCS 296 microcontrollers are code and pin-compatible with the MCS 196 family, while offering the enhanced performance needed for advanced designs. Features include a large register bank, highly efficient instruction set, and extended external memory addressing for compact code size and memory cost savings. In addition to integrated high-performance spindle, seek, and tracking servo control capability, 80296SA microcontrollers offer fast filter routine execution times.

Intel MCS® 51 and MCS 196 Microcontrollers provide the right balance of 16-bit performance to meet a wide variety of CD-ROM design requirements.

MCS 96 and MCS 296 development tools and MCS 51 development tools include ApBUILDER which enables fast development of peripheral initialization code for Intel embedded devices in ASM and C. Project Builder Kits are low-cost development platforms that include the hardware and software needed to evaluate device features and performance. A wide choice of development utilities and C compilers are available from third-party vendors.

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