
Low-End Printers
Mid-Range Printers
High-End Printers
Flash Memory
*Development Tools


Innovative Microprocessor Solutions for Advanced Printer Applications

Selecting the optimal level of resident microprocessor performance is a critical design issue in the competitive PC printer market.

Ink Jet and Laser Printers
From entry-level ink jet printers to page description language (PDL) laser workgroup printers, the Intel i960® processor family offers designers the right combination of processing performance and scalability (from 5 - 150 MIPS) in the price ranges required for today's and tomorrow's designs. The i960 family is one of the largest and best-supported lines of 32-bit embedded microprocessors, with all products sharing a common architecture and new products preserving backward-compatibility with existing versions to protect your investment in software.

It's easy to choose the right i960 processor:

  • The Intel i960® SX processor is the cost-effective solution for 2-8 page/minute personal and small office ink jet printers.
  • The Intel i960 JX processor supports the added feature of page description language (PDL) interpretation in workgroup ink jet and mid-range 8-17 ppm laser printers.
  • The Intel i960 HX processor measures up to the performance demands of 17+ page/minute networked laser printers with advanced paper handling options.

The Solutions960® program brings together a variety of innovative design tools from the industry's leading suppliers. Intel's common evaluation board allows you to select the right i960 processor for your application, by benchmarking different processor modules. Intel Intel QUICKval evaluation kits include sample code, a C compiler and demonstration versions of selected development tools.

For ink jet printers, Intel High Integration Boot Block Flash Memory is the right code storage design solution to minimize time-to-market and simplify manufacturing. Intel High Density FlashFile™ Memory is the design solution for laser printers.

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