MCS® 96 Microcontroller, EPA Family8XC196KR The 8XC196KR is a highly integrated, advanced member of the MCS® 96 controller family. The8XC196KR has an optional 16K byte OTPROM and has 488 bytes of Register RAM and 256 bytes ofInternal RAM. The Internal RAM can be used for program execution or data storage. The 8XC196KR uses a modular Event Processor Array (EPA) for event monitoring and control. The EPAhas a 250 ns resolution at 16 MHz, and has 10 capture/compare modules plus two compare only modules.The EPA is extremely flexible, and has pulse-width modulation (PWM) generation capability. The 8XC196KR includes the Peripheral Transaction Server (PTS) with modes to support PWMgeneration with the EPA. The 8XC196KR has a slave port which is used to interface to another systemsbus. The slave port feature can be used to make the 8XC196KR a versatile, programmable peripheralattached to any PC bus. There are two serial ports on the 8XC196KR, one is the standard SIO module found on the 8XC196KB,and the other is a Synchronous Serial I/O (SSIO) port. The SSIO is capable of full duplex synchronouscommunication. Both serial ports have their own programmable baud rate generators. The 8XC196KR A/D converter is based on the 8XC196KC design but offers additional modes whichallow programmable threshold detection and offset correction. 8XC196KT The 8XC196KT is an enhanced version of the 8XC196KR with an optional 32 Kbyte OTPROM and has1000 bytes of Register RAM and 512 bytes of Internal RAM. The 8XC196KTs bus controller has new modes which allow no wait state operation with slower external memory. 8XC196NT The 8XC196NT is the same as the 8XC196KT but has 1 Mbyte external addressability. Four of the A /Dinputs were replaced with the Extended Address Port (EPORT). The four EPORT pins can be used asadditional address lines (A16 - A19) or standard low speed I/Os or a combination of both. The8XC196NT has 20 MHz operation. 8XC196NP The 8XC196NP offers a dynamically selectable multiplexed/demultiplexed bus. Other key features of the 8XC196NP are the chip select unit, 1 Mbyte addressing, 3 PWM outputs, and 25 MHz operation at 5 volts 8XL196NP The 8XCL196NP is functionally identical with the 8XC196NP, but offers low power operation (3 volts at 13 MHz) 80C196NU The 80C196NU doubles the performance of the 8XC196NP, operating at 50 MHz (5V). The 80C196NUalso features a 32-bit accumulator implanted in hardware to increase the performance of multiply/accumulate instructions. The 80C196NU is pin compatible with the 8XC196NP. This feature, along with its clock doubling circuitry, enable the 80C196NU to provide a high performance in-socket upgrade to 8XC196NP designs. Other key features include 1 Mbyte addressing, 3 PWM outputs, the chip select unit, and both 40 and 50 MHz (5V) product offerings. Key Features - Up to 50 MHz Operation
- 3.3 Volt Operation (NP only)
- Fast Register to Register Architecture
- Up to 1000 Bytes of Register RAM
- Up to 512 Bytes of Internal RAM
- Up to 32K of Internal OTPROM
- Up to 1 Mbyte of External Addressing
- Dynamically Configurable 8- or 16-bit Buswidth
- Enhanced Bus Controller
- Dynamically Multiplexed/Demultiplexed Bus (NP, NU)
- Chip Select Unit (NP, NU)
- HOLD#, HLDA# Bus Protocol
- Up to 10 Channel Event Processor Array
- Two 16-bit Timer/Counters with Prescalar and Quadrature Counting Mode
- Full Duplex Serial Port with Independent Baud Rate Generator
- Full Duplex Synchronous Serial Port
- Slave Port for Direct Interprocessor Communication
- 16-bit Watchdog Timer
- Up to 8 Channel 8- or 10-bit A/D Converter
- Peripheral Transaction Server
- 3 PWM Outputs (NP, NU)
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