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Making Your Network Really Work
D-Link Systems
  • ProFAST 10/100 Ethernet Switch

    "Intel offers a more cost-effective high performance solution than any other processor source."
    --Steven Joe, Director of Operations

    The ProFAST 10/100 Switch provides increased Ethernet performance for "bandwidth-hungry" applications. Using switching technology and full-duplex signaling, the ProFAST 10/100 Switch literally doubles throughput to 20 Mbit/sec. on legacy Ethernet segments and 200 Mbit/sec. on fast Ethernet segments. The switch combines four 10 Mbit/sec. ports and one 100 Mbit/sec. port, enabling simple and easy integration with existing Ethernet networks. The switch allows 10 Mbit/sec. and 100 Mbit/sec. network segments to communicate freely, without wasting network resources.

    To further enhance switching performance, the ProFAST Switch also features automatic self-learning capabilities. As workgroups are connected to the switch, it learns each node address, builds a MAC address table and routes transmissions along the network to achieve maximum throughput. Every three minutes, the ProFAST Switch automatically reviews network data traffic and reconfigures itself for optimal throughput.

    The ProFAST Switch features native SNMP support, in addition to other advanced system management features.

    Steven Joe outlines the multiple reasons why D-Link selected the Pentium® processor for the ProFAST 10/100 Switch:

    "Intel processors were chosen for their reliability, performance and cost.

    "Component decisions at D-Link are made on behalf of our global customers, with their critical data networks in mind. Intel processors are established as a fully upgradeable and scalable technology, plus Intel offers a more cost-effective, high-performance solution than any other processor source.

    "Intel processors are the de facto standard for CPU's, so product developers are very familiar with programming around this technology. In the case of the ProFAST 10/100 Switch, this familiarity increased the speed of our product development.

    "In addition, the reliability of Intel processors decreases failures and increases the overall reliability of each ProFAST 10/100 Switch."

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