376 High Performance 32-Bit Embedded Processor
The 376 32-bit embedded processor is designed for high performance embedded systems. It provides the performance benefits of a highly pipelined 32-bit internal architecture with the low system cost associated with 16-bit hardware systems. The 80376 processor is based on the 80386 and offers a high degree of compatibility with the 80386. All 80386 32-bit programs not dependent on paging can be executed on the 80376 and all 80376 programs can be executed on the 80386. All 32-bit 80386 language translators can be used for software development. With proper support software, any 80386-based computer can be used to develop and test 80376 programs. In addition, any 80386-based PC-AT* compatible computer can be used for hardware prototyping for designs based on the 80376 and its companion product the 82370.
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