Intel Flash Memory With SmartVoltage Technology:
Estimated $0.20/Mbit Cost Savings In Your Manufacturing Line

Intel Corporation

Intel's flash memories with SmartVoltage technology provide high write performance capability made possible due to their dedicated Vpp pin and 12V write option. This Intel feature, combined with programmer hardware and software optimizations that use this technology, results in tangible time- and cost-savings for applications involving your high-volume manufacturing lines. Alternative flash memories that employ a more limited single-voltage supply are not normally capable of achieving this highly favorable write performance.

Figure 1. High write performance and joint optimization work with leading programmer vendors result in these estimated cost savings when using Intel Flash memory.

The analysis that follows compares total programming time on Intel's popular 28F008SA FlashFile™ memory to an alternative `5V-only' device with similar bus width and blocking architecture. Both device's program write times were measured on an industry-representative single-site manufacturing handler. All locations within each flash memory were programmed to `00'. This analysis also translates time-savings into relevant cost-savings, via commonly-used cost assumptions. Intel encourages you to duplicate this analysis on your programming equipment using your specific flash memories of interest, and with your specific cost assumptions.

EstimatedIntel 28F008SAVendor A 8Mbit x8Difference
Program Time (min)2:554:021:07
Verify Time (min)0:420:500:08
Total Time (min)3:374:521:15
Programming Cost/Device (USD)$4.52$6.09$1.57
Programming Cost (10K Devices)$45,200$60,900$15,700
Programming Cost (1M Devices)$4,520,000$6,090,000$1,570,000

The calculations shown earlier assume an estimated total programming cost/minute of $1.25 USD. This figure is based on feedback from customers and programming centers, and incorporates a variety of anticipated expenses, including:

To translate these results to your specific application, keep the following points in mind:

Intel works closely with leading off-board PROM programmer and on-board ATE and JTAG programmer vendors to transform the high write performance potential of our products into relevant results for our customers. If you'd like more information, or if you design your own programming hardware and/or software and would like to obtain more specifics, please contact your local sales office for a copy of `Improving Programming Throughput of Automated Flash Memories'.

This information is provided for informational purposes only. The actual results may vary based on application specifics.

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