FLASHBuilder Boot Block Product Overview
FLASHBuilder Boot Block
supports Intel's SmartVoltage Boot Block
Flash Memory Components.
Features and Benefits
- Flash Memory Power Profile Utility
Calculates power consumption for all opertaing modes based
on usage parameters
- Flash Memory Cycling Utility
Provides a quantitative profile of flash memory cycling due to
periodic system updates by allowing the user to change system
parameters to determine the effect on cycling capability
- Source code for program and erase algorithms in both C and ASM86
Reduces design time by providing instant access to necessary code
- On-Line Documentation
Provides instant access to technical information and specifications
Full Install (Version 1.0)
When unzipping the downloaded file under PKZIP, WinZIP, etc., make sure
that you have enabled the 'create/restore directory structure' option.
For your convenience we have provided you with an optional 3 disk installation.
When unzipping the downloaded file under PKZIP, WinZIP, etc., make sure that
you have enabled the 'create/restore directory structure' option.
Supported Products:
Device Category:
Intel High Integration Boot Block components.
Supported Devices:
All SmartVoltage Boot Block components excluding the new Smart 5
components which will be added at a later date.
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