Graphics Controller '97 (GC '97) Rev 1.00 Is Released
Graphics Controller '97 (aka
"GC '97") is a design guide to help graphics Independent Hardware
Vendors (IHVs) optimize their products to enable emerging
applications for the Intel platform in 2H'97 and into '98.
Also, it is a tool to help PC OEMs understand the direction of
graphics subsystems, and the associated features/capabilities.
The intent of GC'97 is to set quality and performance levels
while leaving implementation details to, and encouraging
innovation by, the graphics IHVs; it is not a certification
program with specific design implementations to which graphics
IHVs must design.
Download the Graphics Controller '97
Revision 1.00 (51 KB, Adobe Acrobat* format)
* Legal Stuff © 1997 Intel Corporation