Indeo® Video Files Installed

Listed below are the names of the files that are added to your computer after installing an Indeo® video driver.

Driver Name


Files Installed

Indeo video interactive R.4.1 Video for Windows driver
Windows* 95 and Windows NT*
Indeo video interactive is Intel's digital video compression and decompression driver that allows software-only playback of high-quality video on desktop multimedia PCs. It offers video quality comparable to software MPEG-1, and also provides a wide variety of features designed especially for interactive multimedia applications. This installation includes both the playback driver and the Quick Compressor, both of which are optimized for MMX technology. ir41_32.dll (Indeo video interactive)
ir41_qc.dll (Indeo video Quick Compressor)
ir41_qcx.dll (Indeo video Quick Compressor for MMX™ Technology)
Indeo video interactive R.4.1 ActiveMovie* 1.0 filter
Windows* 95 and Windows NT*
This installs the Indeo video interactive compression/decompression filter for ActiveMovie 1.0. ir41_32.ax (Indeo video interactive)
Indeo video R.4.1 and R.3.2 Video for Windows drivers Windows 3.1x This installs Indeo video R.4.1 and R.3.2 for Microsoft's Video for Windows*. ir41.dll (Indeo video interactive)
ir32.dll (Indeo video Release 3.2)
iyvu9.dll (Indeo video Raw)
Indeo video R.3.2 Video for Windows driver
Windows 95 and Windows NT
This installs Indeo video R.3.2 for Microsoft's Video for Windows. ir32_32.dll (Indeo video Release 3.2)
iyvu9_32.dll (Indeo video Raw)
Indeo Video R.3.2 QuickTime for Windows driver
Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Windows NT
This installs Indeo video R.3.2 for Apple Computer's QuickTime* for Windows. qtiv32.qtc (Indeo video Release 3.2)
qtiyvu9.qtc (Indeo video Raw)
Indeo Video R.3.2 QuickTime (Macintosh*) driver Installs Indeo version for Macintosh 6.0.7 or later with QuickTime. Indeo® Video (Indeo video Release 3.2)
Intel Raw Video (Indeo video Raw)
YVU9 Compressed R.1.2
ISVR Pro capture driver
This format, also called YVU9C, is used with Intel's Smart Video Recorder Pro video capture card. The format provides near-lossless capture quality at a lower data rate than the Indeo video Raw format, but with no discernible difference in quality. iyv92.dll

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