Copyright Intel Corp. 1994 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED By copying or examining the files included with this notice, you agree to all the terms in this notice. If you or your company can not agree to these terms, do not copy or examine the files. Instead, please immediately delete these files. This Software is distributed only for use by Licensees of Intel Corp.'s Indeo(TM) Video Technology, and the use of this Software shall be governed by the user's License Agreement with Intel Corp. as well as the terms of this notice. No other licenses, either express or implied, or by estoppel, are granted by the distribution of this Software. You may not disassemble, decompile, or reverse engineer this software. ALL SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREIN IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. INTEL NEITHER ASSUMES NOR AUTHORIZES ANY PERSON TO ASSUME FOR IT ANY OTHER LIABILITY. In no event will Intel Corp. be liable for any loss of profits, loss of use, direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of the use of the Software distributed herein. INSTALLATION: ------------ Indeo(TM) Video R3.2 ( and Intel Raw ( codecs are distributed in a password protected compressed file, INTEL.EXE. This file contains QTIV32.QTC and README.TXT. * Copy INTEL.EXE file into an empty directory. To decompress INTEL.EXE, type the following case sensitive command from the DOS prompt: intel -siv32qtw * Exit all applications that are using QuickTime for Windows. * If upgrading from a previous Indeo Video R3.2 release, the previous decompressors need to be marked as non-read only so that they can be overwritten by the new relased files: attrib +r c:\qtw\qti*.qtc * Copy QTIV32.QTC and QTIYVU9.QTC files to the QuickTime for Windows 'bin' directory: \QTW\BIN. * Delete INTEL.EXE to conserve disk space.