Microsoft Corporation
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Microsoft Direct3D Mode
Category: 3D
Mainstream real-time 3-D graphics. Software developers who want to integrate 3-D graphics into their Internet, games, education, or business applications can use the Direct3D™ API. Based on the Reality Lab technology acquired by Microsoft from RenderMorphics Ltd., Direct3D is a comprehensive real-time 3D solution. It delivers a highly optimized, software-based implementation of the full 3-D rendering pipeline, and enables transparent access to 3-D hardware acceleration. Direct3D consists of an integrated high-level retained-mode and low-level immediate-mode API, supports a rich and extensible file format for exchanging 3-D information, and provides a driver model for 3D hardware acceleration.
Key MMXTM technology-enabled features / performance benefit
Features Benefits
No ramp mode in color rendering Rendering is always in high-color mode providing improved visual quality and realism
Significant performance benefits in rendering elements of 3D engine Makes available more MIPS for the application providing improved gameplay and responsiveness

Product and Contact Information
Availability Now
Current Release Version w/ MMX technology support Direct3D ver. 1.X with MMX technology enhancements
Contact Contact Microsoft developer support or send an email to directx@microsoft.com

24 March 1997

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