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The Intel Architecture (IA) media extensions include single-instruction, multi-data (SIMD) instructions. This application note presents examples of code that exploit these instructions. Specifically, this document describes an implementation of a two-dimensional (2D) inverse Discrete Cosine Transfer (iDCT) using MMX instructions. This transformation is widely used in image compression algorithms; most notably in the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) and Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) standards.
This document focuses on one iDCT algorithm that provides efficient MPEG decoding. The implementation of this algorithm in MMX code, listed in Section 6.0, can be used "as is" according to the guidelines presented in Section 3.1. However, many iDCT algorithms exist. The reader is encouraged to consider the alternative ideas and issues presented in this document, since they have implications for other iDCT algorithms.
The MPEG compression method has two phases, encoding and decoding. Multimedia images are first encoded, then transmitted, and finally decoded back into a sequence of images by the MPEG player.
The encoding process follows these steps:
The 8x8 two-dimensional iDCT used in MPEG decompression is defined as:
where the normalization factors, and are defined as:
= 1/2 for > 0
Where is either
u or v and
is the coefficient matrix.
The solution to this equation contains 64 multiplications
and 63 additions for each element of ,
for a total of 4096 multiplications and 4032 additions.
The above equation is equivalent to a summation over v, followed by a summation over u, as follows:
This equation is the equivalent to applying a one-dimensional
(1D) iDCT eight times on each column of
and then applying a 1D iDCT on the rows of the result. Reversing
this order by applying a 1D iDCT on the rows first, and then on
the columns, gives the same result.
Many algorithms have been proposed for efficient calculation of the 2D iDCT. Some algorithms are based on efficient 1D iDCTs [4]; some rely on direct analysis of the two-dimensional nature of iDCT [2]; and others combine a 2D prescale with a very efficient 1D iDCT [1]. Some algorithms even take into account the zero coefficients used in the MPEG bit streams to construct statistically efficient iDCT algorithms [3]. Most fast 1D DCT and iDCT algorithms are variants of Lee's Fast DCT algorithm [6], or are based on variants of Winograd's FFT [5].
The following algorithms were evaluated for implementation using MMX instructions:
In general, statistic algorithms inspect the input data and execute conditional paths in the control flow. The overhead caused by the data inspection and the jump instructions would be too expensive when compared to the speed achievable by other algorithms implemented with MMX instructions.
Although Feig's 2D algorithm [2] reduces the multiplication count, the cost of multiplication in MMX technology is small, so this reduction is not critical. Also, the irregular memory-access pattern of this algorithm is not conducive to efficient implementation using the MMX instruction set.
Both the LLM and AAN algorithms were implemented in MMX assembly code. The LLM algorithm was implemented using accumulation in 32-bit elements, while the AAN algorithm used accumulation in 16-bit elements. The resulting LLM implementation was more accurate, conforming to the iDCT IEEE standard [7]. However, the AAN implementation was much faster. The AAN implementation is presented in this document.
The AAN algorithm is a one-dimensional, prescaled DCT/iDCT algorithm. First, the eight input coefficients are prescaled by eight prescale values, which requires eight multiplications. Then the algorithm is applied to the prescaled coefficients, which requires five multiplications and 29 additions for the transform. Although the 1D AAN algorithm is less efficient than other 1D algorithms (for example, LLM), when applied to the two-dimensional, 8x8 iDCT, this algorithm takes only 64 multiplications for the prescale, and 80 multiplications and 464 additions for the transform.
The AAN implementation described in this document uses 16-bit data elements, so that four variables can be processed in parallel using packed words. MMX instructions that operate on packed words read or store four words contiguously in memory. So, for an 8x8 matrix, half a row can be read or stored at one time. If the 1D iDCT is applied to the columns of an 8x8 matrix, MMX instructions can operate on four columns at a time. Applying the 1D iDCT to the rows of the matrix is more involved and less efficient.
The AAN algorithm is performed in four steps:
These steps result in a transposed matrix, which would have to be again transposed to obtain the final result. To prevent this extra step, the input matrix should be transposed initially. The cost of transposing the input is negligible, since the matrix is constructed from the Zig-Zag scan [9]. Therefore, the actual implementation follows these steps:
Another consideration is the limited length of the MMX registers. All the iDCT algorithms mentioned in Section 3.1 are defined mathematically without regard to the size of the accumulator or registers. To ensure adequate precision for operations on 16-bit data elements, the algorithm was analyzed carefully and appropriate precision was assigned during every intermediate stage of the calculation.
Precision was controlled using packed shift instructions, which shift all data elements in a register by the same amount. Shift right instructions were used to prevent overflow of the most significant bit in each intermediate step of the calculation.
The iDCT routine is called from within an assembly module. The routine gets a pointer to an 8x8, 16-bit element matrix; the pointer is located in the ESI register. The matrix should be aligned on an 8-byte boundary. Each data element is actually a 12-bit quantity that is left-adjusted, meaning that the four least significant bits equal zero. The input matrix should be transposed; otherwise, the output matrix must be transposed. The value 0.5 must be added to the DC value, input matrix element [0][0].
The routine returns the same memory array. Therefore, if the original input operands are needed (for example, in test mode), they must be copied before the call to the iDCT routine.
One standard Pentium® processor optimization technique is code rescheduling to exploit parallelism in an algorithm. Parallelism in the 2D iDCT was approached from two directions, as illustrated in Figure 1:
In the first approach, data is accessed by rows within the matrix. In the second approach, data from the four matrixes is interleaved to enable efficient use of the MMX instructions.
The advantage of the single-iDCT approach is that the interface to an MPEG player is simpler. Its disadvantages are:
The advantages of the four-iDCTs approach are:
The disadvantage of the single-iDCT approach is that, to take advantage of the MMX instructions, the input data from the four matrixes must first be interleaved (see Figure 1). Then, after the transform, the resulting data must be restored to four 8x8 matrixes.
Because of its simplicity, the single-iDCT approach was chosen. Instruction scheduling was done manually to ensure optimal performance.
Register use was carefully considered as well. In most cases, intermediate results were kept in registers; temporary storage to memory was needed in only a few cases. For example, consider the implementation of the matrix transpose. The basic operation is the transpose of 4x4 elements [8], as illustrated in Figure 2.
The 8x8 iDCT requires four of these operations. The sequence of these operations was carefully chosen to save memory stores and loads. First, M4 was transposed, followed by M3. These two results were immediately used to perform the iDCT on the last four columns. Similarly, M2 was transposed, followed by M1. These results were used for the iDCT on the first four columns.
The detailed steps of the matrix transpose algorithm are:
During the rescheduling process, instructions from one block were moved to the previous block whenever an empty slot could be filled. This reordering is marked by comments in the code listed in Section 6.0.
The cycle count for this implementation of the AAN algorithm, using MMX instructions, is 240 clocks. A direct comparison of this implementation with a scalar implementation of the AAN algorithm would be misleading, since the AAN algorithm is not the fastest scalar implementation of an iDCT. However, the implementation presented here is estimated to be 3 to 3.5 times faster than the general performance of scalar iDCT algorithms.
; esi - input and output data pointer ; the input data is tranposed and each 16 bit element in the 8x8 matrix ;is left aligned: ; for example in 11...1110000 format ; If the iDCT is of I macroblock then 0.5 needs to be added to the ;DC Component ; (element[0][0] of the matrix) .nolist include iammx.inc ; IAMMX Emulator Macros MMWORD TEXTEQU <DWORD> .list .586 .model flat _DATA SEGMENT PARA PUBLIC USE32 'DATA' x0005000200010001 DQ 0005000200010001h x0040000000000000 DQ 40000000000000h x5a825a825a825a82 DW 5a82h, 5a82h, 5a82h, 5a82h ; 23170 x539f539f539f539f DW 539fh, 539fh, 539fh, 539fh ; 21407 x4546454645464546 DW 4546h, 4546h, 4546h, 4546h ; 17734 x61f861f861f861f8 DW 61f8h, 61f8h, 61f8h, 61f8h ; 25080 scratch1 DQ 0 scratch3 DQ 0 scratch5 DQ 0 scratch7 DQ 0 ; for debug only x0 DQ 0 preSC DW 16384, 22725, 21407, 19266, 16384, 12873, 8867, 4520 DW 22725, 31521, 29692, 26722, 22725, 17855, 12299, 6270 DW 21407, 29692, 27969, 25172, 21407, 16819, 11585, 5906 DW 19266, 26722, 25172, 22654, 19266, 15137, 10426, 5315 DW 16384, 22725, 21407, 19266, 16384, 12873, 8867, 4520 DW 12873, 17855, 16819, 15137, 25746, 20228, 13933, 7103 DW 17734, 24598, 23170, 20853, 17734, 13933, 9597, 4892 DW 18081, 25080, 23624, 21261, 18081, 14206, 9785, 4988 _DATA ENDS _TEXT SEGMENT PARA PUBLIC USE32 'CODE' COMMENT ^ void idct8x8aan ( int16 *src_result); ^ public _idct8x8aan _idct8x8aan proc near push ebp lea ecx, [preSC] mov ebp, esp push esi mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp+8] ; source ;slot ; column 0: even part ; use V4, V12, V0, V8 to produce V22..V25 movq mm0, mmword ptr [ecx+8*12] ; maybe the first mul can be done together ; with the dequantization in iHuff module ? ;slot pmulhw mm0, mmword ptr [esi+8*12] ; V12 ;slot movq mm1, mmword ptr [ecx+8*4] ;slot pmulhw mm1, mmword ptr [esi+8*4] ; V4 ;slot movq mm3, mmword ptr [ecx+8*0] psraw mm0, 1 ; t64=t66 pmulhw mm3, mmword ptr [esi+8*0] ; V0 ;slot movq mm5, mmword ptr [ecx+8*8] ; duplicate V4 movq mm2, mm1 ; added 11/1/96 pmulhw mm5, mmword ptr [esi+8*8] ; V8 psubsw mm1, mm0 ; V16 pmulhw mm1, mmword ptr x5a825a825a825a82 ; 23170 ->V18 paddsw mm2, mm0 ; V17 movq mm0, mm2 ; duplicate V17 psraw mm2, 1 ; t75=t82 psraw mm0, 2 ; t72 movq mm4, mm3 ; duplicate V0 paddsw mm3, mm5 ; V19 psubsw mm4, mm5 ; V20 ;mm5 free ;moved from the block below movq mm7, mmword ptr [ecx+8*10] psraw mm3, 1 ; t74=t81 movq mm6, mm3 ; duplicate t74=t81 psraw mm4, 2 ; t77=t79 psubsw mm1, mm0 ; V21 ; mm0 free paddsw mm3, mm2 ; V22 movq mm5, mm1 ; duplicate V21 paddsw mm1, mm4 ; V23 movq mmword ptr [esi+8*4], mm3 ; V22 psubsw mm4, mm5 ; V24; mm5 free movq mmword ptr [esi+8*12], mm1 ; V23 psubsw mm6, mm2 ; V25; mm2 free movq mmword ptr [esi+8*0], mm4 ; V24 ;slot ; keep mm6 alive all along the next block ;movq mmword ptr [esi+8*8], mm6 ; V25 ; column 0: odd part ; use V2, V6, V10, V14 to produce V31, V39, V40, V41 ;moved above ;movq mm7, mmword ptr [ecx+8*10] pmulhw mm7, mmword ptr [esi+8*10] ; V10 ;slot movq mm0, mmword ptr [ecx+8*6] ;slot pmulhw mm0, mmword ptr [esi+8*6] ; V6 ;slot movq mm5, mmword ptr [ecx+8*2] movq mm3, mm7 ; duplicate V10 pmulhw mm5, mmword ptr [esi+8*2] ; V2 ;slot movq mm4, mmword ptr [ecx+8*14] psubsw mm7, mm0 ; V26 pmulhw mm4, mmword ptr [esi+8*14] ; V14 paddsw mm3, mm0 ; V29 ; free mm0 movq mm1, mm7 ; duplicate V26 psraw mm3, 1 ; t91=t94 pmulhw mm7, mmword ptr x539f539f539f539f ; V33 psraw mm1, 1 ; t96 movq mm0, mm5 ; duplicate V2 psraw mm4, 2 ; t85=t87 paddsw mm5, mm4 ; V27 psubsw mm0, mm4 ; V28 ; free mm4 movq mm2, mm0 ; duplicate V28 psraw mm5, 1 ; t90=t93 pmulhw mm0, mmword ptr x4546454645464546 ; V35 psraw mm2, 1 ; t97 movq mm4, mm5 ; duplicate t90=t93 psubsw mm1, mm2 ; V32 ; free mm2 pmulhw mm1, mmword ptr x61f861f861f861f8 ; V36 psllw mm7, 1 ; t107 paddsw mm5, mm3 ; V31 psubsw mm4, mm3 ; V30 ; free mm3 pmulhw mm4, mmword ptr x5a825a825a825a82 ; V34 nop ;slot psubsw mm0, mm1 ; V38 psubsw mm1, mm7 ; V37 ; free mm7 psllw mm1, 1 ; t114 ;move from the next block movq mm3, mm6 ; duplicate V25 ;move from the next block movq mm7, mmword ptr [esi+8*4] ; V22 psllw mm0, 1 ; t110 psubsw mm0, mm5 ; V39 (mm5 still needed for next block) psllw mm4, 2 ; t112 ;move from the next block movq mm2, mmword ptr [esi+8*12] ; V23 psubsw mm4, mm0 ; V40 paddsw mm1, mm4 ; V41; free mm0 ;move from the next block psllw mm2, 1 ; t117=t125 ; column 0: output butterfly ;move above ;movq mm3, mm6 ; duplicate V25 ;movq mm7, mmword ptr [esi+8*4] ; V22 ;movq mm2, mmword ptr [esi+8*12] ; V23 ;psllw mm2, 1 ; t117=t125 psubsw mm6, mm1 ; tm6 paddsw mm3, mm1 ; tm8; free mm1 movq mm1, mm7 ; duplicate V22 paddsw mm7, mm5 ; tm0 movq mmword ptr [esi+8*8], mm3 ; tm8; free mm3 psubsw mm1, mm5 ; tm14; free mm5 movq mmword ptr [esi+8*6], mm6 ; tm6; free mm6 movq mm3, mm2 ; duplicate t117=t125 movq mm6, mmword ptr [esi+8*0] ; V24 paddsw mm2, mm0 ; tm2 movq mmword ptr [esi+8*0], mm7 ; tm0; free mm7 psubsw mm3, mm0 ; tm12; free mm0 movq mmword ptr [esi+8*14], mm1 ; tm14; free mm1 psllw mm6, 1 ; t119=t123 movq mmword ptr [esi+8*2], mm2 ; tm2; free mm2 movq mm0, mm6 ; duplicate t119=t123 movq mmword ptr [esi+8*12], mm3 ; tm12; free mm3 paddsw mm6, mm4 ; tm4 ;moved from next block movq mm1, mmword ptr [ecx+8*5] psubsw mm0, mm4 ; tm10; free mm4 ;moved from next block pmulhw mm1, mmword ptr [esi+8*5] ; V5 ;slot movq mmword ptr [esi+8*4], mm6 ; tm4; free mm6 ;slot movq mmword ptr [esi+8*10], mm0 ; tm10; free mm0 ;slot ; column 1: even part ; use V5, V13, V1, V9 to produce V56..V59 ;moved to prev block ;movq mm1, mmword ptr [ecx+8*5] ;pmulhw mm1, mmword ptr [esi+8*5] ; V5 movq mm7, mmword ptr [ecx+8*13] psllw mm1, 1 ; t128=t130 pmulhw mm7, mmword ptr [esi+8*13] ; V13 movq mm2, mm1 ; duplicate t128=t130 movq mm3, mmword ptr [ecx+8*1] ;slot pmulhw mm3, mmword ptr [esi+8*1] ; V1 ;slot movq mm5, mmword ptr [ecx+8*9] psubsw mm1, mm7 ; V50 pmulhw mm5, mmword ptr [esi+8*9] ; V9 paddsw mm2, mm7 ; V51 pmulhw mm1, mmword ptr x5a825a825a825a82 ; 23170 ->V52 movq mm6, mm2 ; duplicate V51 psraw mm2, 1 ; t138=t144 movq mm4, mm3 ; duplicate V1 psraw mm6, 2 ; t136 paddsw mm3, mm5 ; V53 psubsw mm4, mm5 ; V54 ;mm5 free movq mm7, mm3 ; duplicate V53 ;moved from next block movq mm0, mmword ptr [ecx+8*11] psraw mm4, 1 ; t140=t142 psubsw mm1, mm6 ; V55 ; mm6 free paddsw mm3, mm2 ; V56 movq mm5, mm4 ; duplicate t140=t142 paddsw mm4, mm1 ; V57 movq mmword ptr [esi+8*5], mm3 ; V56 psubsw mm5, mm1 ; V58; mm1 free movq mmword ptr [esi+8*13], mm4 ; V57 psubsw mm7, mm2 ; V59; mm2 free movq mmword ptr [esi+8*9], mm5 ; V58 ;slot ; keep mm7 alive all along the next block ;movq mmword ptr [esi+8*1], mm7 ; V59 ;moved above ;movq mm0, mmword ptr [ecx+8*11] pmulhw mm0, mmword ptr [esi+8*11] ; V11 ;slot movq mm6, mmword ptr [ecx+8*7] ;slot pmulhw mm6, mmword ptr [esi+8*7] ; V7 ;slot movq mm4, mmword ptr [ecx+8*15] movq mm3, mm0 ; duplicate V11 pmulhw mm4, mmword ptr [esi+8*15] ; V15 ;slot movq mm5, mmword ptr [ecx+8*3] psllw mm6,1 ; t146=t152 pmulhw mm5, mmword ptr [esi+8*3] ; V3 paddsw mm0, mm6 ; V63 ; note that V15 computation has a correction step: ; this is a 'magic' constant that rebiases the results to be closer to the expected result ; this magic constant can be refined to reduce the error even more ; by doing the correction step in a later stage when the number is actually multiplied by 16 paddw mm4, mmword ptr x0005000200010001 psubsw mm3, mm6 ; V60 ; free mm6 psraw mm0, 1 ; t154=t156 movq mm1, mm3 ; duplicate V60 pmulhw mm1, mmword ptr x539f539f539f539f ; V67 movq mm6, mm5 ; duplicate V3 psraw mm4, 2 ; t148=t150 ;slot paddsw mm5, mm4 ; V61 psubsw mm6, mm4 ; V62 ; free mm4 movq mm4, mm5 ; duplicate V61 psllw mm1, 1 ; t169 paddsw mm5, mm0 ; V65 -> result psubsw mm4, mm0 ; V64 ; free mm0 pmulhw mm4, mmword ptr x5a825a825a825a82 ; V68 psraw mm3, 1 ; t158 psubsw mm3, mm6 ; V66 movq mm2, mm5 ; duplicate V65 pmulhw mm3, mmword ptr x61f861f861f861f8 ; V70 psllw mm6, 1 ; t165 pmulhw mm6, mmword ptr x4546454645464546 ; V69 psraw mm2, 1 ; t172 ;moved from next block movq mm0, mmword ptr [esi+8*5] ; V56 psllw mm4, 1 ; t174 ;moved from next block psraw mm0, 1 ; t177=t188 nop ; slot psubsw mm6, mm3 ; V72 psubsw mm3, mm1 ; V71 ; free mm1 psubsw mm6, mm2 ; V73 ; free mm2 ;moved from next block psraw mm5, 1 ; t178=t189 psubsw mm4, mm6 ; V74 ;moved from next block movq mm1, mm0 ; duplicate t177=t188 paddsw mm3, mm4 ; V75 ;moved from next block paddsw mm0, mm5 ; tm1 ;location ; 5 - V56 ; 13 - V57 ; 9 - V58 ; X - V59, mm7 ; X - V65, mm5 ; X - V73, mm6 ; X - V74, mm4 ; X - V75, mm3 ; free mm0, mm1 & mm2 ;move above ;movq mm0, mmword ptr [esi+8*5] ; V56 ;psllw mm0, 1 ; t177=t188 ! new !! ;psllw mm5, 1 ; t178=t189 ! new !! ;movq mm1, mm0 ; duplicate t177=t188 ;paddsw mm0, mm5 ; tm1 movq mm2, mmword ptr [esi+8*13] ; V57 psubsw mm1, mm5 ; tm15; free mm5 movq mmword ptr [esi+8*1], mm0 ; tm1; free mm0 psraw mm7, 1 ; t182=t184 ! new !! ;save the store as used directly in the transpose ;movq mmword ptr [esi+8*15], mm1 ; tm15; free mm1 movq mm5, mm7 ; duplicate t182=t184 psubsw mm7, mm3 ; tm7 paddsw mm5, mm3 ; tm9; free mm3 ;slot movq mm0, mmword ptr [esi+8*9] ; V58 movq mm3, mm2 ; duplicate V57 movq mmword ptr [esi+8*7], mm7 ; tm7; free mm7 psubsw mm3, mm6 ; tm13 paddsw mm2, mm6 ; tm3 ; free mm6 ; moved up from the transpose movq mm7, mm3 ; moved up from the transpose punpcklwd mm3, mm1 movq mm6, mm0 ; duplicate V58 movq mmword ptr [esi+8*3], mm2 ; tm3; free mm2 paddsw mm0, mm4 ; tm5 psubsw mm6, mm4 ; tm11; free mm4 ; moved up from the transpose punpckhwd mm7, mm1 movq mmword ptr [esi+8*5], mm0 ; tm5; free mm0 ; moved up from the transpose movq mm2, mm5 ; transpose - M4 part ; --------- --------- ; | M1 | M2 | | M1'| M3'| ; --------- --> --------- ; | M3 | M4 | | M2'| M4'| ; --------- --------- ; Two alternatives: use full mmword approach so the following code can be ; scheduled before the transpose is done without stores, or use the faster ; half mmword stores (when possible) movdf dword ptr [esi+8*9+4], mm3 ; MS part of tmt9 punpcklwd mm5, mm6 movdf dword ptr [esi+8*13+4], mm7 ; MS part of tmt13 punpckhwd mm2, mm6 movdf dword ptr [esi+8*9], mm5 ; LS part of tmt9 punpckhdq mm5, mm3 ; free mm3 movdf dword ptr [esi+8*13], mm2 ; LS part of tmt13 punpckhdq mm2, mm7 ; free mm7 ; moved up from the M3 transpose movq mm0, mmword ptr [esi+8*8] ;slot ; moved up from the M3 transpose movq mm1, mmword ptr [esi+8*10] ; moved up from the M3 transpose movq mm3, mm0 ; shuffle the rest of the data, and write it with 2 mmword writes movq mmword ptr [esi+8*11], mm5 ; tmt11 ; moved up from the M3 transpose punpcklwd mm0, mm1 movq mmword ptr [esi+8*15], mm2 ; tmt15 ; moved up from the M3 transpose punpckhwd mm3, mm1 ; transpose - M3 part ; moved up to previous code section ;movq mm0, mmword ptr [esi+8*8] ;movq mm1, mmword ptr [esi+8*10] ;movq mm3, mm0 ;punpcklwd mm0, mm1 ;punpckhwd mm3, mm1 movq mm6, mmword ptr [esi+8*12] ;slot movq mm4, mmword ptr [esi+8*14] movq mm2, mm6 ; shuffle the data and write out the lower parts of the transposed in 4 dwords punpcklwd mm6, mm4 movq mm1, mm0 punpckhdq mm1, mm6 movq mm7, mm3 punpckhwd mm2, mm4 ; free mm4 ;slot punpckldq mm0, mm6 ; free mm6 ;slot ;moved from next block movq mm4, mmword ptr [esi+8*13] ; tmt13 punpckldq mm3, mm2 punpckhdq mm7, mm2 ; free mm2 ;moved from next block movq mm5, mm3 ; duplicate tmt5 ; column 1: even part (after transpose) ;moved above ;movq mm5, mm3 ; duplicate tmt5 ;movq mm4, mmword ptr [esi+8*13] ; tmt13 psubsw mm3, mm4 ; V134 ;slot pmulhw mm3, mmword ptr x5a825a825a825a82 ; 23170 ->V136 ;slot movq mm6, mmword ptr [esi+8*9] ; tmt9 paddsw mm5, mm4 ; V135 ; mm4 free movq mm4, mm0 ; duplicate tmt1 paddsw mm0, mm6 ; V137 psubsw mm4, mm6 ; V138 ; mm6 free psllw mm3, 2 ; t290 psubsw mm3, mm5 ; V139 movq mm6, mm0 ; duplicate V137 paddsw mm0, mm5 ; V140 movq mm2, mm4 ; duplicate V138 paddsw mm2, mm3 ; V141 psubsw mm4, mm3 ; V142 ; mm3 free movq mmword ptr [esi+8*9], mm0 ; V140 psubsw mm6, mm5 ; V143 ; mm5 free ;moved from next block movq mm0, mmword ptr[esi+8*11] ; tmt11 ;slot movq mmword ptr [esi+8*13], mm2 ; V141 ;moved from next block movq mm2, mm0 ; duplicate tmt11 ; column 1: odd part (after transpose) ;moved up to the prev block ;movq mm0, mmword ptr[esi+8*11] ; tmt11 ;movq mm2, mm0 ; duplicate tmt11 movq mm5, mmword ptr[esi+8*15] ; tmt15 psubsw mm0, mm7 ; V144 movq mm3, mm0 ; duplicate V144 paddsw mm2, mm7 ; V147 ; free mm7 pmulhw mm0, mmword ptr x539f539f539f539f ; 21407-> V151 movq mm7, mm1 ; duplicate tmt3 paddsw mm7, mm5 ; V145 psubsw mm1, mm5 ; V146 ; free mm5 psubsw mm3, mm1 ; V150 movq mm5, mm7 ; duplicate V145 pmulhw mm1, mmword ptr x4546454645464546 ; 17734-> V153 psubsw mm5, mm2 ; V148 pmulhw mm3, mmword ptr x61f861f861f861f8 ; 25080-> V154 psllw mm0, 2 ; t311 pmulhw mm5, mmword ptr x5a825a825a825a82 ; 23170-> V152 paddsw mm7, mm2 ; V149 ; free mm2 psllw mm1, 1 ; t313 nop ; slot ;without the nop above - freeze here for one clock ;the nop cleans the mess a little bit movq mm2, mm3 ; duplicate V154 psubsw mm3, mm0 ; V155 ; free mm0 psubsw mm1, mm2 ; V156 ; free mm2 ;moved from the next block movq mm2, mm6 ; duplicate V143 ;moved from the next block movq mm0, mmword ptr[esi+8*13] ; V141 psllw mm1, 1 ; t315 psubsw mm1, mm7 ; V157 (keep V149) psllw mm5, 2 ; t317 psubsw mm5, mm1 ; V158 psllw mm3, 1 ; t319 paddsw mm3, mm5 ; V159 ;slot ; column 1: output butterfly (after transform) ;moved to the prev block ;movq mm2, mm6 ; duplicate V143 ;movq mm0, mmword ptr[esi+8*13] ; V141 psubsw mm2, mm3 ; V163 paddsw mm6, mm3 ; V164 ; free mm3 movq mm3, mm4 ; duplicate V142 psubsw mm4, mm5 ; V165 ; free mm5 movq mmword ptr scratch7, mm2 ; out7 psraw mm6, 4 psraw mm4, 4 paddsw mm3, mm5 ; V162 movq mm2, mmword ptr[esi+8*9] ; V140 movq mm5, mm0 ; duplicate V141 ;in order not to perculate this line up, we read [esi+8*9] very near to this location movq mmword ptr [esi+8*9], mm6 ; out9 paddsw mm0, mm1 ; V161 movq mmword ptr scratch5, mm3 ; out5 psubsw mm5, mm1 ; V166 ; free mm1 movq mmword ptr[esi+8*11], mm4 ; out11 psraw mm5, 4 movq mmword ptr scratch3, mm0 ; out3 movq mm4, mm2 ; duplicate V140 movq mmword ptr[esi+8*13], mm5 ; out13 paddsw mm2, mm7 ; V160 ;moved from the next block movq mm0, mmword ptr [esi+8*1] psubsw mm4, mm7 ; V167 ; free mm7 ;moved from the next block movq mm7, mmword ptr [esi+8*3] psraw mm4, 4 movq mmword ptr scratch1, mm2 ; out1 ;moved from the next block movq mm1, mm0 movq mmword ptr[esi+8*15], mm4 ; out15 ;moved from the next block punpcklwd mm0, mm7 ; transpose - M2 parts ;moved up to the prev block ;movq mm0, mmword ptr [esi+8*1] ;movq mm7, mmword ptr [esi+8*3] ;movq mm1, mm0 ;punpcklwd mm0, mm7 movq mm5, mmword ptr [esi+8*5] punpckhwd mm1, mm7 movq mm4, mmword ptr [esi+8*7] movq mm3, mm5 ; shuffle the data and write out the lower parts of the trasposed in 4 dwords movdf dword ptr [esi+8*8], mm0 ; LS part of tmt8 punpcklwd mm5, mm4 movdf dword ptr [esi+8*12], mm1 ; LS part of tmt12 punpckhwd mm3, mm4 movdf dword ptr [esi+8*8+4], mm5 ; MS part of tmt8 punpckhdq mm0, mm5 ; tmt10 movdf dword ptr [esi+8*12+4], mm3 ; MS part of tmt12 punpckhdq mm1, mm3 ; tmt14 ; transpose - M1 parts movq mm7, mmword ptr [esi] ;slot movq mm2, mmword ptr [esi+8*2] movq mm6, mm7 movq mm5, mmword ptr [esi+8*4] punpcklwd mm7, mm2 movq mm4, mmword ptr [esi+8*6] punpckhwd mm6, mm2 ; free mm2 movq mm3, mm5 punpcklwd mm5, mm4 punpckhwd mm3, mm4 ; free mm4 movq mm2, mm7 movq mm4, mm6 punpckldq mm7, mm5 ; tmt0 punpckhdq mm2, mm5 ; tmt2 ; free mm5 ;slot ; shuffle the rest of the data, and write it with 2 mmword writes punpckldq mm6, mm3 ; tmt4 ;move from next block movq mm5, mm2 ; duplicate tmt2 punpckhdq mm4, mm3 ; tmt6 ; free mm3 ;move from next block movq mm3, mm0 ; duplicate tmt10 ; column 0: odd part (after transpose) ;moved up to prev block ;movq mm3, mm0 ; duplicate tmt10 ;movq mm5, mm2 ; duplicate tmt2 psubsw mm0, mm4 ; V110 paddsw mm3, mm4 ; V113 ; free mm4 movq mm4, mm0 ; duplicate V110 paddsw mm2, mm1 ; V111 pmulhw mm0, mmword ptr x539f539f539f539f ; 21407-> V117 psubsw mm5, mm1 ; V112 ; free mm1 psubsw mm4, mm5 ; V116 movq mm1, mm2 ; duplicate V111 pmulhw mm5, mmword ptr x4546454645464546 ; 17734-> V119 psubsw mm2, mm3 ; V114 pmulhw mm4, mmword ptr x61f861f861f861f8 ; 25080-> V120 paddsw mm1, mm3 ; V115 ; free mm3 pmulhw mm2, mmword ptr x5a825a825a825a82 ; 23170-> V118 psllw mm0, 2 ; t266 movq mmword ptr[esi+8*0], mm1 ; save V115 psllw mm5, 1 ; t268 psubsw mm5, mm4 ; V122 psubsw mm4, mm0 ; V121 ; free mm0 psllw mm5, 1 ; t270 ;slot psubsw mm5, mm1 ; V123 ; free mm1 psllw mm2, 2 ; t272 psubsw mm2, mm5 ; V124 (keep V123) psllw mm4, 1 ; t274 movq mmword ptr[esi+8*2], mm5 ; save V123 ; free mm5 paddsw mm4, mm2 ; V125 (keep V124) ; column 0: even part (after transpose) movq mm0, mmword ptr[esi+8*12] ; tmt12 movq mm3, mm6 ; duplicate tmt4 psubsw mm6, mm0 ; V100 paddsw mm3, mm0 ; V101 ; free mm0 pmulhw mm6, mmword ptr x5a825a825a825a82 ; 23170 ->V102 movq mm5, mm7 ; duplicate tmt0 movq mm1, mmword ptr[esi+8*8] ; tmt8 ;slot paddsw mm7, mm1 ; V103 psubsw mm5, mm1 ; V104 ; free mm1 movq mm0, mm7 ; duplicate V103 psllw mm6, 2 ; t245 paddsw mm7, mm3 ; V106 movq mm1, mm5 ; duplicate V104 psubsw mm6, mm3 ; V105 psubsw mm0, mm3 ; V109; free mm3 paddsw mm5, mm6 ; V107 psubsw mm1, mm6 ; V108 ; free mm6 ; column 0: output butterfly (after transform) movq mm3, mm1 ; duplicate V108 paddsw mm1, mm2 ; out4 psraw mm1, 4 psubsw mm3, mm2 ; out10 ; free mm2 psraw mm3, 4 movq mm6, mm0 ; duplicate V109 movq mmword ptr[esi+8*4], mm1 ; out4 ; free mm1 psubsw mm0, mm4 ; out6 movq mmword ptr[esi+8*10], mm3 ; out10 ; free mm3 psraw mm0, 4 paddsw mm6, mm4 ; out8 ; free mm4 movq mm1, mm7 ; duplicate V106 movq mmword ptr[esi+8*6], mm0 ; out6 ; free mm0 psraw mm6, 4 movq mm4, mmword ptr[esi+8*0] ; V115 ;slot movq mmword ptr[esi+8*8], mm6 ; out8 ; free mm6 movq mm2, mm5 ; duplicate V107 movq mm3, mmword ptr[esi+8*2] ; V123 paddsw mm7, mm4 ; out0 ;moved up from next block movq mm0, mmword ptr scratch3 psraw mm7, 4 ;moved up from next block movq mm6, mmword ptr scratch5 psubsw mm1, mm4 ; out14 ; free mm4 paddsw mm5, mm3 ; out2 psraw mm1, 4 movq mmword ptr[esi], mm7 ; out0 ; free mm7 psraw mm5, 4 movq mmword ptr[esi+8*14], mm1 ; out14 ; free mm1 psubsw mm2, mm3 ; out12 ; free mm3 movq mmword ptr[esi+8*2], mm5 ; out2 ; free mm5 psraw mm2, 4 ;moved up to the prev block movq mm4, mmword ptr scratch7 ;moved up to the prev block psraw mm0, 4 movq mmword ptr[esi+8*12], mm2 ; out12 ; free mm2 ;moved up to the prev block psraw mm6, 4 ;move back the data to its correct place ;moved up to the prev block ;movq mm0, mmword ptr scratch3 ;movq mm6, mmword ptr scratch5 ;movq mm4, mmword ptr scratch7 ;psraw mm0, 4 ;psraw mm6, 4 movq mm1, mmword ptr scratch1 psraw mm4, 4 movq mmword ptr [esi+8*3], mm0 ; out3 psraw mm1, 4 movq mmword ptr [esi+8*5], mm6 ; out5 ;slot movq mmword ptr [esi+8*7], mm4 ; out7 ;slot movq mmword ptr [esi+8*1], mm1 ; out1 ;slot emms pop esi pop ebp ret 0 _idct8x8aan ENDP _TEXT ENDS END