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Intel Math Kernel Library
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Intel Math Kernel Library Registration Form

Please complete and submit this registration form. Submitting this form will entitle you to full customer support for the Intel Math Kernel Library and will grant you access to the Math Kernel Library downloadable files.

Clicking on the Submit button at the bottom of the form will automatically e-mail the form for you.

You can also print out this page and FAX the completed form to the following number:

* FAX 503-264-7902

Mailing Address 1:
Mailing Address 2:
City, State, Postal Code:
*E-mail Address:

What type of software are you developing? (check all that apply):

Multimedia applications(audio, video, entertainment/games, education, web-based)
Workstation applications

Development tools like compilers and debuggers

What Operating System(s) do you use most often (check all that apply):

Windows* NT*
Windows 95
Windows for Workgroups*
Windows 3.X

Sun Solaris*

What compiler(s) do you use:

Borland* C++
Borland Delphi*
Watcom C++*
Symantec* C/C++

Java* Environment
Microsoft* C++
Microsoft Visual Basic*
Intel Reference Compiler
Other Compilers

Where did you hear about this product?
Programmers Paradise Trade Show or Conference Other Intel Group
Other Source
I am a previous customer Browsing the web Word of mouth

Please add any additional requests or comments here:

NOTE: If you have already registered, click here to go directly to the installation information page.

If you have any problems installing Math Kernel Library,
specify your problem in the Customer Feedback Form . A customer service representative will contact you.

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