8XC196NT/NP: BR/EBR Instruction Execution
The B ranch Indirect (BR) and Extended Branch Indirect (EBR) instruction use the same opcode (E3h) to reduce the total number of opcodes for the 8XC196NT/NP. When using the BR instruction, the register used to store the branch address must be located at an eve n location, therefore the least significant bit of the register location must always be a 0. Since the least significant bit is a known value, this bit can be used to differentiate between the BR and EBR instructions. The following code demonstrates th e differences between the two cases:
rseg at 50h
tempword: dsw 1
cseg at 0ff2080h
ld tempword,#5000h
br [tempword] ;The compiler will generate `E350h
cseg at 0ff5000h
landhere: nop
rseg at 50h
tempword: dsl 1
cseg at 0ff2080h
ld tempword,#8000h
ld tempword+1,#0feh
ebr [tempword] ;In this instance, the compiler will generate `E351h
cseg at 0fe8000h
landhere: nop
Most non-extended instructions only operate within the same page. T he BR instruction is an exception to the rule. In 24-bit mode, if a BR instruction in page 01h is trying to branch to location 015000h (see example below), it will branch to location 0FF5000h instead. When using the BR instruction, the upper byte of the 24-bit program counter defaults to `FFh , which results in a branch to page FFh instead of the intended page. If one operates from a page other than FFh and wishes to branch within the same page, the EBR instruction should be used to make the branch corre ctly. The following example demonstrates this situation:
rseg at 50h
tempword: dsw 1
cseg at 013000h
ld tempword, #5000h
br [tempword]
cseg at 015000h
not_here: nop
cseg at 0ff5000h
land_here: nop
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