; ; This is a demo of some of the features of iECM-96 for use with the ; EV80C196MC/MD board. In order to run the demo, place the software disk in a ; drive. Then select that drive by typing "A:" or "B:", whichever coresponds ; to that drive, and a carriage return. Type "ECM96" and carriage return. ; At the asterisk prompt type "INCLUDE DEMO.LOG" and carriage return. ; ; For additional information, please see the EV80C196MC/MD Microcontroller ; Evaluation Board USER'S MANUAL. ; pause ; ; This command loads MCDEMO from disk. ; load mcdemo ; pause ; dasm 2080,8 ; This disassembles 8 lines of code starting at 2080H pause ; pc ; This displays the current value of the Program counter. ; ; To change the Program Counter use "pc = 2080". ; pause ; go from 2080 forever ; This command clears all breakpoints and executes code. ; ; The LED's for I/O Port 1 should be incrementing regularly. ; pause ; dasm .past,8 ; The disassmbler and all other memory read commands can be.... ; ; used while code is running on the board. ; pause ; asm 20b2 ; start assembling code at address 20b2H, see disassembly listing. decb .ioport1 end pause ; ; The LED's for I/O Port 1 should now be decrementing. ; ; Note that not only is there an assembler, it and all other memory modifing ; commands can be used while the board is executing user code. However, use ; caution when modifing code while it is running, the resulting code may ; cause errors due to variable length instructions. ; pause ; halt dasm .loop,9 pause ; go from 2080 till 20a6 ; This go command sets a breakpoint[0] = 20a6H. pause ; pc ; Code has stopped at the breakpoint! Note that 20a6 has not executed yet. pause ; br ; This command displays all breakpoints, 20a6 has been set. pause ; br[0]=0 ; This command clears breakpoint[0]. pause ; br ; As can be shown. pause ; br[0f]=20a6 ; This command sets breakpoint[15] = 20a6. pause ; br ; See? pause ; ; This concludes the demo, we hope you enjoy using the EV80C196KB board. ; pause ; ; Type "QUIT" and carriage return to exit iECM-96. ;