EMUL 251*-PC

Nohau Corporation

Type :
Last Update:

MCS(R) 51/151/251 Controller
12/11/96 01:30:53 PM

Vendor Information

Tool Description:

The EMUL251-PC is a high performance in-circuit emulator specifically designed to give an optimized environment to develop your Intel MCS « 251 microcontroller family hardware and software. The hardware consists of a PC plug-in board connected to a POD board by a 5 ft. (1.5m) long ribbon cable for operating range flexibility. The optional trace board, featuring advanced trace functions with sophisticated trigger capabilities, connects to the emulator through two ribbon cables attached on top of the boards.
The POD boards are designed around IntelÆs technology for accurate emulation of all modes of operation. In addition, the EMUL251-PC supports real-time emulation at 16 MHz.
The EMUL251-PC has 256K of emulation RAM for instructions and data, with no wait states or intrusion on memory, I/O or interrupt pins. You can also easily change the CONFIG register values through the user interface. With the EMUL251-PC, you can single step or line step with breakpoints marked directly in the code.
The EMUL251-PC is designed to minimize debugging time with its user friendly Microsoft Windows interface. All information about the microcontroller and the application software is available right on the screen.

Tool Features:

  • Supports all Intel N87C251SB Modes

  • Full Real-Time Emulation / No Wait States

  • Use of Intel's Special Chips

  • Popular C-Compiler High Level Support

  • 256K Combined Code and Data Support

  • Hosted on PC's and Workstations

  • Highly Flexible Hardware Breakpoint Systems

  • Real-Time Trace with Sophisticated Capabilities

  • Three Trigger Levels / 40 Bit Time Stamp

  • Low Cost Emulator Option Available

  • Development Platform(s):

    PC / Windows, Workstations With Nohau's LanICE

    File Attachments:

    56.PDF - Electronic catalog page

    Supported Device Detail Matrix:

    Part & Package


    8X151 - 40ldPDIP
    8X151 - 44ldPLCC
    8XC251SX - 44ldPDIP
    8XC251SX - 44ldPLCC


    Vendor Information:

    Nohau Corporation

    51 E. Campbell Ave.
    Campbell , CA 95008
    (408) 866-1820

    Tech : (408) 866-1820
    Email :
    Fax : (408) 378-7869
    URL :

    Contact the vendor above for the latest Distributor information

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