AP-442 33 MHz 386 System Design Considerations

This Application Note should be used in conjunction with the 386 DX microprocessor Data Sheet (Order Number 231630-011) and the 386 DX Hardware Reference Manual (Order Number 231732-004). A list of related references is provided in the appendix for getting more information on high speed design issues. .

This Application Note is intended to show how to complete a successful design of a 'Core' system using the 386 DX-33, the 33 MHz clock version. A Core system a minimum system configuration, in this case comprising the CPU, the 82385 32-bit Cache controller, Dynamic and Static RAM and an I/O mechanism with which to communicate with the CPU.

The Application Note examines the design techniques necessary when executing a design at this frequency. Many of the methods used at lower frequencies, such as 16 MHz and 20 MHz, are no longer valid at this higher frequency. Phenomena, whose effects are negligible at the lower frequencies, must be taken into account in the design. The physical positioning of components relative to each other plays a significant part in the success of the design, since transmission line effects (reflection, radiation) are no longer negligible.

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