Flash Utility Users Guide Supplement

To load into a program and run from the Flash do the following:

1) First:
When using the first issue evaluation board Flash Utility software, revision 1.1, be sure you're out of the windows environment. It will not communicate reliably from a DOS window. With the later version software for the later revisions of the evaluation board it may be run reliably from within the Microsoft Windows(TM)environment.
From DOS or a DOS window change directories to your EV386EX directory (where flashu.exe presides).
flashu <enter>
Be sure J1 jumper is on.
Be sure Eval board power is on.
Press reset for a few seconds.

2) type: (Optional)
baud=<baud rate> <enter>
This will change the baud rate for communications between the eval board and the host PC. The default value is 9600.


Note: Should you experience problems with communication try a lower baud rate. 9600 has functioned well in tests.

3) type:
init <com#> <enter>
Use the com# of the port that is connected from Eval board to host PC. This will initialize com# to communicate with the Eval board.


The following message will appear if successful:

If the following message appears turn Eval board on and off and go to step 1:

4) type:
program <file name> <enter>
This will load the files to be programmed into the FLASH device into RAM until the SHUTDOWN command is issued. SHUTDOWN causes the values loaded in RAM to be programmed into the FLASH. Step 4 can be repeated to load all files desired before the SHUTDOWN command is issued (explained below). Naturally, if multiple files are to be loaded and executed they must be linked prior to loading. File(s) must be hex format file(s) with a .hex extension.


The following message will appear if successful

DIR will display the files that are in the boot block.

5) type:
vector = <start address of file> <enter>
This will set the start vector location for the user's boot program. In essence, this command "tells" FLASHU where to locate the user's program in the FLASH device. This needs to be set if you are going to run an operating system or any other unlocated program. This is not necessary for any program that has been absolutely located prior to loading.

vector=80000H (For a Boot file which begins at 80000H)

The following message is displayed:

6) type:
setboot <file name> <enter>
This will set the starting point of the user's program when running terminal emulation. Upon reset the FLASHU code in the boot block of the FLASH device initializes the board. Then when terminal emulation is invoked (explained below) it jumps to the start of the user's code indicated by this command. In the following example, it would jump to the start of the program "hello" and begin executing it.


The following message is displayed:

7) type:
shutdown <enter>
This will store all values and loaded programs into the Flash tables in preparation for reboot.

The following message is displayed:

8) Do:
Take off J1 jumper.
Push reset for a few seconds on the Eval board to initiate a reboot.

9) type:
term <enter>
This will begin terminal emulation.

If the following message appears push <esc> and go to step 8

The following message appears if program HELLO is loaded and is successful:

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