Protected mode intialization code example

Protected mode intialization code example

Protected mode intialization code example

			page	66,132
			stack	segment	stack use16
					dd	100 dup(0)
			stack	ends
			data segment use16
			gdt		dd	0
					dd	0
			code_desc	dd	0000ffffh
					dd	00cf9a00h
			data_desc	dd	0000ffffh
					dd	00cf9200h
			ret_desc	dd	0000ffffh
					dd	00cf9a00h
			gdt_label	label	fword
			gdt_limit	dw	4*8-1
			gdt_base	dd	?
			protected_code_address	dd	0
						dw	08h
			data ends
			code segment para public use16 'code'
			assume cs:code,ds:data,ss:stack
			mov	ax,data
			mov	ds,ax
					; setup gdt
			mov	eax,0
			mov	ax,data
			shl	eax,4
			add	eax,offset gdt
			mov	gdt_base,eax
					; runtime fixup of far jump into pmode
			mov	eax,0
			mov	ax,code32
			shl	eax,4
			add	eax,offset protected_code
			mov	protected_code_address,eax
					; runtime fixup for far jump back to rmode
			mov	eax,0
			mov	ax,code32
			mov	es,ax
			mov	word ptr es:[4],18h
			db	66h
			lgdt	gdt_label
			smsw	ax
			or	ax,1
			lmsw	ax
			jmp	next
	next:		jmp	fword ptr protected_code_address
	ret_real:	smsw	ax
			and	ax,0fffeh
			lmsw	ax
			jmp	far ptr s16
			mov	ax,4c00h
			int	21h
	code		ends
	code32		segment	use32
			assume	cs:code32
			jmp	far ptr ret_real
			mov	ax,10h
			mov	ds,ax
			mov	ebx,0b8000h
			mov	ax,0741h
			mov	ecx,80*25
			mov	[ebx],ax
			add	ebx,2
			loop	st1
			jmp	sto
	code32		ends
			end	start
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