name example_80C186_RCU_code
; FUNCTION: This function initializes the DRAM Refresh
; Control Unit to refresh the DRAM starting at dram_addr
; at clock_time intervals.
; extern void far config_rcu(int dram_addr, int clock_time);
; INPUTS: dram_addr - Base address of DRAM to refresh
; clock_time - DRAM refresh rate
; NOTE: Parameters are passed on the stack as
; required by high-level languages.
RFBASE equ xxxxh ;substitute register offset
RFTIME equ xxxxh
RFCON equ xxxxh
Enable equ 8000h ;enable bit
lib_80186 segment public 'code'
assume cs:lib_80186
public _config_rcu
_config_rcu proc far
push bp ;save caller's bp
mov bp, sp ;get current top of stack
_clock_time equ word ptr[bp+6] ;get parameters off
_dram_addr equ word ptr[bp+8] ;the stack
push ax ;save registers that
;will be modified
push cx
push dx
push di
mov dx, RFBASER ;set upper 7 address bits
mov ax, _dram_addr
out dx, ax
mov dx, RFTIME ;set clock pre_scaler
mov ax, _clock_time
out dx, ax
mov dx, RFCON ;Enable RCU
mov ax, Enable
out dx, ax
mov cx, 8 ;8 dummy cycles are
;required by DRAMS
xor di, di ;before actual use
mov word ptr [di], 0
loop _exercise_ram
pop di ;restore saved registers
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
pop bp ;restore caller's bp
_config_rcu endp
lib_80186 ends
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